Tag Archives: Suspicion

First Flower

Hello all you beautiful people out there! Hope you all have been well! I’ve finished moving out of The Asylum and took the month of February to just relax a little bit from the wonderful fiasco of hauling an entire large greenhouse full of plants from point A to point B. (A huge thanks to the BAPP crew for the help!)

The new place is coming along well. I’ll slowly be putting the pieces together again and will be working on the new location throughout this year. It’s not as large or grand as the marvelous Asylum, but you know what – it’s something. The Sarracenia are growing outdoors now and that’s been brilliant since they’re now getting much needed rain. It just feels good to know that the plants that were once in the greenhouse for 3 1/2 years are now getting a much needed flush from the the rain.

I also wanted to report that on 29 Feb I was able to do my first pollination of 2016! I self pollinated an anthocyanin free clone of S. catesbaei.  The parentage is S. luteola x S. flava ‘Suspicion’ – grown from seed, cross by Adrian Fawcett and you can see them when the first germinated back in  2013 here! (Thanks again, Adrian!)

Seeing the first flower is always refreshing sight. This neon thing broke the bleak ocean of trimmed and dead foliage like a beacon of hope for better things to come. This year will be a transition year getting to know all the nuances and idiosyncrasies of the growing spot, but so far it looks like the plants don’t have a problem with it. Looking forward to seeing how this year will turn out. Thank you all again for following along this crazy botanical journey of mine, y’all are just awesome.

Sarracenia catesbaei flower – anthocyanin free clone

Fabulous February

February, so far, is looking pretty fab. Thanks to the warm January, much of the crop has been moving at a very fast speed. There are plenty of buds to be found all over the place, a few open pitchers, and… seeds germinating! Enjoy a few snapshots from the past couple of weeks.


Sarracenia SeedsThe seeds (from 2013!!) have been sown! Yes, you read that right. These have been sitting in cold stratification for a year. A couple of weeks ago, my wife and the kiddos helped pot up all 202+ crosses. It was an extremely busy year for me last year and by the time I was ready to put them down, the year was half way over. I didn’t want to use supplemental lighting as with this many seeds, as that electric bill would just be nuts. Now that I finally have a little more space, I was able to finally put these down.

Sarracenia purpurea heterophylla x leucophylla "Red"And guess what? Many pots have seeds that have are sprouting! Exciting! The one in the photo is S. purpurea heterophylla x leucophylla “Red” – these came from Jerry Addington and should produce a brilliant crop of anthocyanin free recessive plants to work with in the future.

The AsylumThe Asylum. Check out the Sarracenia alata flowers already opening up! And check out that other half of the greenhouse that needs trimming! Heh!

Sarracenia alataSarracenia alata flower

Sarracenia rosea - Baldwin Co., ALSarracenia rosea – Baldwin Co., AL in flower.

Sarracenia alataA few more Sarracenia alata buds about to pop!

Sarracenia 'Alucard' x 'Adrian Slack'One of my crosses from a maybe 3 or so years ago. This is S. ‘Alucard’ x ‘Adrian Slack’ glowing with the sun hitting it from behind. Notice one of last year’s autumn pitchers compared to this year’s larger spring pitcher. What a jump! You can see tell-tale signs of what the plant would be like from last year’s pitcher. However, with this year’s pitcher, you can see much more character shine through! The unknown of what comes out of the cross and how that plant matures is part of the excitement that comes with growing from seed. Anyway, I’ll post another photo later on so you can get a better view of this year’s most recent pitcher from this cross.

Sarracenia 'Reptilian Rose' x (flava var. rubricorpora x leucophylla) - Clone 14Sarracenia ‘Reptilian Rose’ x (flava var. rubricorpora x leucophylla) – Clone 14. New pitcher coloring up against last year’s wreckage. Cross by Dr. Travis H. Wyman.

Sarracenia 'Reptilian Rose' x (flava var. rubricorpora x leucophylla) - Clone 9Sarracenia ‘Reptilian Rose’ x (flava var. rubricorpora x leucophylla) – Clone 9
Cross by Dr. Travis H. Wyman

Sarracenia (leucophylla "Purple Lips" x flava var. rubricorpora) x 'Adrian Slack'Another one of my crosses – Sarracenia leucophylla “Purple Lips” x flava var. rubricorpora x ‘Adrian Slack’ – new pitcher opening up! 

Sarracenia oreophilaSarracenia oreophila, awake and ready to devour insects!

Sarracenia oreophilaSarracenia oreophila

Sarracenia alata - AFSarracenia alata – Anthocyanin Free!
A new pitcher stands out against last year’s crispy dead pitchers.

Sarracenia flava var. rubricorpora x flava 'Suspicion'Young pitchers stretch towards the sky. Sarracenia flava var. rubricorpora x flava ‘Suspicion’ – an anthocyanin free recessive cross. This cross was done by Aidan Selwyn. I hope to use these AF recessive S. flava plants in future (anthocyanin free) crosses.

Sarracenia flava - AF - Colquitt Co., GAOk, ok, ok… I’m totally geeking out here. This is a flower bud of an anthocyanin free form of S. flava – Colquitt Co., GA. YEAH. You know what this means… 🙂

Sarracenia moorei – Anthocyanin Free

Sarracenia moorei AF-1
A young Sarracenia moorei – anthocyanin free clone
(Sarracenia leucophylla – Anthocyanin Free x flava ‘Suspicion’)

Back Home

Home sweet home! I recently returned from a family vacation up in the beautiful Pacific Northwest. It’s nice to be back, but I really do miss it up there. I got the chance to visit Karen Oudean and Jerry Addington and meet up with a couple other talented growers. (Kinjie and Phaedra – great to meet you! Brie – I’m sorry we missed you!) And yes, I’ll be featuring photos from that visit in an upcoming post, so stay tuned!

For now, here’s a few snapshots from within The Asylum. Great to be home.

Back Home
The Asylum. The Sanctuary.

Sarracenia leucophyllaSarracenia leucophyllas putting up some nice fall foliage.

Sarracenia leucophylla 'Hurricane Creek White' - Clone F
Sarracenia leucophylla ‘Hurricane Creek White’ – Clone F

Sarracenia alata - maroon throat
Sarracenia alata – maroon throat

Sarracenia 'Reptilian Rose' x 'Adrian Slack'
Sarracenia ‘Reptilian Rose’ x ‘Adrian Slack’

Sarracenia (leucophylla "Purple Lips" x flava var. rubricorpora) x "Green Monster"
Sarracenia (leucophylla “Purple Lips” x flava var. rubricorpora) x “Green Monster”

Sarracenia leucophylla "Juju Lips" x flava "widemouth"
Sarracenia leucophylla “Juju Lips” x flava “Widemouth”

Sarracenia flava var. maxima x flava 'Suspicion'
Sarracenia flava var. maxima x flava ‘Suspicion’

Oh Hai! Even the Nepenthes are looking happy to see me back home!

Nepenthes izumiae x ramispina
Nepenthes izumiae x ramispina – new pitcher forming

Nepenthes "Song of Melancholy"
Nepenthes “Song of Melancholy” – pitcher opening up!

Nepenthes ventricosa x talangensis
Nepenthes ventricosa x talangensis

N. ventricosa X Tiveyi
Nepenthes ventricosa x tiveyi

Nepenthes thorelii x aristolochioides
Nepenthes thorelii x aristolochioides


I returned home packing my suitcase with a few plants from Jerry. (Thanks again, Jerry!) The plants have made the trip back safe and sound and have been potted up. Here’s a couple of the plants that made it back with me.

Sarracenia oreophila hybrid
Sarracenia oreophila hybrid

Sarracenia 06-02
Sarracenia “06-02”  – sibling to Sarracenia “Jerry’s Goliath”
Parentage is uncertain, however Jerry suspects that S. ‘Doreen’s Colossus’ is involved somehow with Sarracenia “06-02” and Sarracenia “Jerry’s Goliath.”

Up and Coming AF Seedlings

If you know me, you know I can’t get enough of the anthocyanin free plants! Here are a few up and coming green seedlings. Some are a result of breeding with anthocyanin free recessive plants (those plants with that hidden mutation that suppresses anthocyanin production) with other AF plants. Others are just a result of straight AF breeding lines. Fun stuff!

Sarracenia (leucophylla x purpurea heterophylla) x leucophylla AF
Sarracenia (leucophylla x purpurea heterophylla) x leucophylla AF
The parentage of this plant consisted of one AF recessive plant, and one AF plant. One of the surviving seedlings from this cross turned out to be AF, while the other clearly exhibits the presence of anthocyanin.

Sarracenia (rubra ssp. jonesii AF x minor var. okefenokeensis) x "Green Monster"
Sarracenia (rubra ssp. jonesii AF x minor var. okefenokeensis)
x “Green Monster”
The parentage of this cross also consists of one AF recessive parent, and one pure AF plant. I’ve had a couple plants sprout from this batch, but this was the only survivor. I’m glad it turned out to be AF.

Sarracenia mitchelliana AF x "Green Monster"
Sarracenia mitchelliana AF x “Green Monster”
This cross uses pure AF parentage – S. mitchelliana AF and S. “Green Monster” which is another anthocyanin free plant.

Sarracenia moorei - AF
Sarracenia moorei, AF
S. leucophylla AF X S. flava ‘suspicion’
Both parents of this cross are AF resulting in AF progeny.

They’re ALIVE!

This year, I started my seeds in the greenhouse without any use of lighting or additional heat. *GASP!* Yeah, really! I normally would start them under lights (like this), but I ended up with about 150 or so different crosses that I’m germinating this year. Germination just took a little longer that I was used to.

I only had about 30 crosses of my own that actually took and set seed last year. Yeah, only 30 because of this >FUGLY-ness< a year ago.  Yo, it’s crazy to think that I was in THAT mess a year ago…  That said, many other friends sent me their own seeds that I’m growing out now. (Thanks again, y’all!)

Under lights, and with the addition of heat I’ve had seeds germinate in little as one week. I didn’t feel like dealing with any lights this year so I decided to germinate the seeds under my existing conditions.  I started the seeds a bit later in the year when it was warmer. It took roughly 5-6 weeks before I saw any signs of life, but I’m glad to report – they’re alive! THEY’RE ALIVE! Muahhaehah!!  There’s a lot more interesting-ness that will be coming out of this 2012-2013 generation, but for now – here are a couple AF crosses I’m excited to grow out! (D’aww, aren’t they cute?!)

Sarracenia luteola x 'Suspicion' Sarracenia leucophylla AF x psittacina AF

Left: Anthocyanin free catesbaei (Sarracenia luteola x flava ‘Supicion’)
Right: Anthocyanin free wrigleyana (Sarracenia leucophylla AF x psittacina AF)

Suspicious Hidden Agenda

Here are couple young plants with a “hidden” agenda. Thanks to the pollen parent, S. flava ‘Suspicion’, these plants have a hidden anthocyanin free (AF) gene that can be unlocked in subsequent crosses. The AF-ness can be unlocked by crossing the plants with other AF or AF recessive plants. I grew these out from seed, and they hopefully should be of blooming age next year. For an anthocyanin free nut like me, I’m eager to start using these plants in future AF projects.

Sarracenia flava var. rubricoropra x flava 'Suspicion'
S. flava var. rubricorpora x flava ‘Suspicion’

Sarracenia flava var. rubricoropra x flava 'Suspicion'S. flava var. rubricorpora x flava ‘Suspicion’