Tag Archives: Thank you


If you haven’t already done so, check out the October issue of Sunset Magazine! (Go and buy it now!) I’m so grateful and humbled to be featured in the October issue of Sunset. I’m truly honored to know wonderful folks like Johanna Silver and Lauren Dunec, You’re both freakin’ amazing. A huge thank you to my wife, Dahlia for her continued love, support, and patience with this crazy plant dude! Last, but not least – I just wanted to thank all of YOU who follow/read my blog. You’ve been there – growing along with me through the lows and the highs. You’ve shared your stories and even your plants with me. You’ve inspired me to keep doing what I do, and to continue to share this botanical madness with you. Thank you all so much. Let’s grow.

SunsetSunset Magazine: October 2013

Thank You, Bob

I am saddened by the recent news of Bob Hanrahan’s passing. This is a great loss to the carnivorous plant community. My deep and sincere condolences to Bob’s family. Bob is a legend and has been such an inspiration to so many, including myself. He will be missed.

Mike Wilder in the post said, “Directly or indirectly, I believe just about everyone in the hobby has a plant that passed through Bob’s hands.” This is true for me. Plants for me are, in a sense, a living repository for our stories and memories. Moments are hidden away in each leaf blade and in each petal. Part of the joy of growing is being able to share these stories and moments with others. In fact, my very first division of S. ‘Adrian Slack’ came directly from him. We’ve had a few communications back and forth, but I regret not being able to take him up on his offer to visit his plantation. Back in 2010, Bob sent me a CD full of photos from his Carnivorous Plantation. I was living vicariously through those photos and had to do something with it. I made a (long) slideshow with the photos he sent me and I am sharing it here once again. Rest in peace Bob, and thank you so much for everything.



Greenhouse Move – Stage 1: Free at Last!

2012 Garden Move

Father’s Day weekend 2012 marked a monumental weekend for me. This was when I was finally liberated from the darkness of that hideous piece of shit growing area. If I grew other things like… FERNS (mind you, I have nothing against ferns), or focused only on other shade loving plants, then maybe this place would be “just OK”. Don’t get me wrong – given all that I went thorough in the past year, I AM thankful that at least I had a place that I was able to temporarily house the plants. Given both the gravity and time constraints of my situation last year, I had no time to locate an appropriate growing area, and took the first thing that came my way. I had hopes in making that venue better and grow-able for my plants. YES – I was willing to put in the time and money to fix that place up. YES – it was so frustrating when the landlord and I were unable to reach an agreement regarding improvement of facilities. And YES – if the plants are not happy, then I am not happy. With all of this said – I am focusing on being positive and I am moving on. It’s just time for something bigger and better. Honestly, this move was not as bad as the first move out of Pacifica as I’ve simplified the garden quite a bit since then. Only about half of the original garden is with me now, and that consists mostly of carnivores. The rest of the plants have found homes with family and friends and I’m glad that part of my story lives on with them.

I am well aware that every vision gets tested. I also know that I am passionate about growing and that all of this will be well worth it. I must be patient and endure. I gotta view this as a “character building” season in both my life – as well as my garden’s life. Yeah. Either that or I’m just fucking out of my mind. And you know – How boring would my garden’s story be if there was none of this excitement and adventure? Perhaps I am out of my mind…

2012 Garden Move
The temporary holding location at dusk – packed.

Stage one of the greenhouse move is now complete. I’ve moved out of that shoddy venue to a brighter and better temporary holding location. It’s actually working out well! The plants are adjusting to the slightly brighter light. It’s such a great adjusting area for the plants to prepare them for the bright location. I’ll be here for the month or so. Needless to say, the mental map of my plants is already messed up, and I’m going to spend much of the remainder of this year re-organizing yet again. The next stage is what I am looking forward to. Stage two! That is the move to the SUPER RAD venue — and that is when the fun begins. Not to worry, that location is pretty close to this place, so it won’t be too bad. Even in this temporary abode, the plants are reacting positively and it gives me hope. This year is a year of adjustment and rebuilding. Next year I am expecting botanical greatness.

A HUGE thank you to Jiri, Lada, Derek, Jenn, and of course my awesome rad wife Dahlia for all the help with the move! I am forever grateful for my family and friends that have stuck with me through all the madness. As Derek told me… “That’s what friends are for.

Below are some photos from this recent move. Good times …
Gooood times!

June Move 2012

In the photo to the left you can see how the plants looked very colorless. In years past, the plants were very strong and colorful at this point in time. Because of the old fiberglass and poor light, many of the plants were stretched thin, reaching for the limited light supply. I mean, just looking at them is so fucking depressing. I’ve lost so many plants under these conditions, it was just nasty. This half of this greenhouse was also on the north side of the building. Being on the north side combined with the old fiberglass and very poor air circulation is not a good mix at all. I had to get out – pronto! Dude, I’m so thankful for Jenn who was able to work some connections to get me connected to the new place!

June Move 2012In the photo to the right, the fiberglass is still somewhat old, however the location overall is brighter. I actually get so much more brighter and better filtered light from all directions here. At the old place, most of the light would only come from the top of the greenhouse – and that light being filtered through 20+ year old piss yellow fiberglass really sucked. This temporary space is perfect because the plants are going to get a chance to adjust before moving to the bright greenhouse. (That’s the upcoming Greenhouse Move – Stage 2.)

June Move 2012

The first plants I packed up into my trunk and move out of the greenhouse were Dionaea and the Pinguicula. As you can see, even the Dionaea’s were thin and stretched. The Pinguicula were just OK, but not at their prime. They were all very pale.

June Move 2012

First trays in!

2012 Garden Move
Tub of Sarracenia oreophila riding shotgun.

2012 Garden Move

Lots of back seat Sarracenia action going on here.

2012 Garden Move

My niece Arielle helping out with the move. She’s really into gardens and plants now. I could already see her bloggin’ about her garden adventures in the future! Watch out Dez! 🙂

2012 Garden Move

Arielle admiring the flytraps. My eldest son Josiah is also helping out with the insane garden move.

2012 Garden Move

My youngest son Lucas has other plans for the greenhouse…
He started to turn it into his…
bubble house.

One thing that’s really cool about this new place is that it’s a much a better place to have the kids with me. I mean, you saw the last greenhouse – it was very difficult and even dangerous to have the kids with me in there. This new place is much cleaner and safer. I can finally get some help! YEAH! 🙂 It’s very cool and just nice to have my family close by as I work here.

2012 Garden Move

Benches getting filled up after a couple of carloads.

2012 Garden Move

Going to fill this place up! But is it enough room?

2012 Garden Move

What a MESS! You can see how the plants were very stretched and lanky from the poor light and air at the old spot. Also, these plants were on the dry side when I moved them. To help lighten the load, I had to let the plants dry out for a couple of days prior to moving.

2012 Garden Move


2012 Garden Move

Drosophyllum ready to move.

2012 Garden Move2012 Garden Move

2012 Garden Move2012 Garden Move

Top row – left to right: Drosera binata – giant form attacking me. Dahlia packing up the staghorn ferns. Bottom row – left to right: Back seat action with various Drosera binata forms. And a very cool knitted succulent pocket from Derek and Heather. It will always have a home with me.

2012 Garden Move

The greenhouse is a mess in this deconstruction phase.
Supplies and plants are mixed up everywhere!

2012 Garden Move

Jiri to the rescue! Jiri and his brother Lada were awesome enough to come down and help for a few hours. We packed up the U-haul with as much as we could and made a couple trips.
(Photo courtesy of Jiri Priam.)

2012 Garden Move

Another load of plants packed up in the back.


Derek’s Mini full of Acer. Dude, it was like a Mini mobile forest or something. Seriously so awesome mobbing 4 vehicles deep full of PLANTS.

2012 Garden Move

A fully loaded car once again on the second trip.
(Photo courtesy of Derek Powazek. Dude texted this to me mid-haul…)

2012 Garden Move

An ominous emptiness starting to fill this location.

2012 Garden Move

Drosophyllum lusitanicum riding shotgun. The thing is a monster.

2012 Garden Move

Derek photographing the plants!

2012 Garden Move


2012 Garden Move

Jiri, his brother Lada, and driftwood log. I am thankful for all 3.

2012 Garden Move

Yeah, it’s been a fun day so far… and I need to shave.
(Photo courtesy of Jiri Priam)

2012 Garden Move

Lada pointing out the Gunnera manicata.
(Photo courtesy of Jiri Priam)

2012 Garden Move

So thankful for these two brothers.
(Photo courtesy of Jiri Priam)

2012 Garden Move

 Derek with the red Sarracenia moorei.
Notice, the Sarracenia represents the SF Giants! YEAH!

2012 Garden Move

A huge THANK YOU to Jenn for allowing me to roll with her truck later that week. On Fathers Day, Sunday, 17 Jun 2012 – I took the few remaining plants and supplies down to the holding location and closed the door for good on this dark segment in life.

2012 Garden Move

Last plant out: Spiral aloe. (Aloe polyphylla) It did OK for being in these conditions. I am so looking forward to hitting this baby with more light! I had three other smaller ones that died in this dusty dark dank hole.
At least this one survived.

2012 Garden Move

I am SO glad to be out of this place.
A dark chapter in my garden’s life now draws to a close…

2012 Garden Move

… and a brighter (and so far crowded) chapter is now starting.

2012 Garden Move

Damn. I’m just barely fitting everything into this interim space…

2012 Garden Move

(Click on photo above for larger version.)
Awesome. I freakin’ love this photo taken by Derek.

Thank you again to all of you who have made this possible.
My plants and I are forever grateful.

-Let’s grow.-

New Additions to the Family

I came home today to a very awesome surprise — a huge and special thank you to my friend Wes Buckner for sending a few nice plants over to me!  I got home late this evening — it was really was a great way to end a wonderful day for me.  It also means a start to a great weekend — lots of potting ahead!

Thank you Wes, I really appreciate it!

The box of Sarrs and it’s aura of awesomeness.  

Check out the way Wes expertly cushioned the plants!

Sarracenia rhizomes packed nice and snug.

Rhizomes arrived in perfect shape.  Oh man, I’m going to have a fun time potting them up this weekend!  It’s going to be fun seeing these new additions grow up with the rest of the Sarracenia family!

Some Nice Surprises

Man, it’s been pretty busy – I would imagine this is so for ALL of us in this holiday season.   My cube day job especially has been pretty busy –  resulting in my recent silence here on the blog.  Honestly, I’d rather NOT have these mini hiatuses but would rather share Sarracenia goodness with everyone. All day. Every day.   These past couple of weeks have  most certainly has been quite the flurry of activity.

Anyway, I just wanted to say a very special thank you to fellow blogger James at Lost in the Landscape!  (If you haven’t done so, check his blog!) He had sent me a few things that really added some awesomeness in my not-so awesome past couple of weeks…  (Thanks James, you ROCK!)

[Some seeds that will have some star potential!  It may not look like much now, but I wanted to start documenting their growth.  A couple years later I’ll probably refer back to this post just to show how these plants started.]

[Sarracenia division, unconfirmed ID at this point, but we’re pretty sure that it is a S. ‘Judith Hindle’]

[I’m really excited about this one- Seedlings of S. x melanorhoda, Triffid Park x purpurea ssp. veonsa v. burkii f. luteola. Yes! I will be using these for breeding in the anthocyanin free line. They have that recessive antho free gene in them now!]

[I potted them up a couple of nights ago right when I got home.  It was about 10pm, and dark and cold out, but I still did it! Brrr!]

**Thanks again James!**

Welcome to the NEW Crib!

Welcome to The Pitcher Plant Project’s *new* crib!

Seasons come and seasons go; they are the constant measure to grow with. It’s time to expand —  it’s time to grow.  Soooo…. I’ve just moved the old blog here to it’s new home. (Please update-eth your bookmarks and links…) Word. Thanks homies.

The climate here in the SF/Bay Area is unique enough to actually allow me to do some garden-y things that I probably wouldn’t be able to normally do if I would have been living in another area. In the yard, winter for me is not only a time of cleaning, such as mowing the pitchers down — but it is also a season where I will divide things up and move things around in anticipation of new and continued growth.

I do appreciate all the feedback I’ve gotten thus far in my bloggin’ journey on this weird but awesomely rad plant matter that feeds on things.  To each and  every one of you who allow me to share this addiction with you and also to those that continue to encourage, and inspire – my sincere thanks.  You’ve promoted me to flourish. This blog’s for you. Let’s grow.

Sarracenia "Georgia Peach" x (minor x 'Judith Hindle')[Sarracenia “Georgia Peach” x (minor x ‘Judith Hindle’)]