Tag Archives: Tarnok

Project Pollinate Tarnok – Update

Sup y’all. An update on Project Pollinate Tarnok.  Check it, here’s the first post from a couple months ago.  In the photo below,  I am just checking under the hood – I’m checking for swelling or… whatever the heck a S. ‘Tarnok’ pod is supposed to do at this time.  (I have no clue, it’s my first time doing this with Tarnok.) When I did this cross, I was doing a continuous pollen dump on the stigmas.  Honestly, I don’t know if there’s any seed in there or not. This could of been a complete failure, but heck, I tried. If no seed this year, I’ll try again next year.

I wonder…

Sarracenia leucophylla 'Tarnok' x flava var. cuprea
[S. leucophylla ‘Tarnok’ x flava v. cuprea – I wonder if it took?]


Howdy!  I was up early today and caught my  Sarracenia leucophylla ‘Tarnok’ flower opening…

Just wanted to share this photo of the mutant weird-yet-awesome flower.  It’s what makes this leucophylla so special as it’s has a quite a different flower structure. Notice the small white tips in the middle — those are the stigmas and I actually am attempting to pollinate it. This morning I threw on some S. flava var. cuprea pollen on those little tips and will hope for the best.  S. leucophylla ‘Tarnok’ is not known to be a very good pod parent, but we’ll try and see what happens.  Even if it doesn’t work, it’s flower structure is one to be enjoyed.

Sarracenia leucophylla 'Tarnok'

A Non Colorful Day

I’ve been ill the past few days. Dumb f#@$’n  flu/cold thing. It sucks.  I’ve been living off a mad concoction of Dayquil, Robitussin, Advil, Nyquil, Aleve, Patron, Vicks Vapor Rub, Patron, Fisherman’s Friend coughdrops, Ricola, Patron, and snorting Thera Flu.  Just kidding – not all that stuff.  Just the shoving of the Vicks up my nose and Thera Flu maybe… heh. (Uh, pay no attention to me now, these are meds are talking. Deeellleeerrrium.)

Anyway, I pretty much rested up for most of the day today, and had enough strength to go out in the garden and shoot around a bit.  Hangin’ out with the plants is a much better medicine than all that stuff I mentioned earlier. They always make me feel a little better.  Here’s a few black n’ whites cuz I’m feeling very non-colorful right now.  I hope I feel more colorful after this dumb flu-cold-illness-cold-weirdness-body-achey-thing is over and done with… Oh bleh.

Enjoy… 🙂

S. leucophylla 'Tarnok'
[Sarracenia leucophylla ‘Tarnok’ flower bud]

S. flava var. cuprea
[Sarracenia flava var. cuprea, unfurling]

S. leucophylla "Purple Lips" x flava var. ornata
[Sarracenia leucophylla “Purple Lips” x flava var. ornata, opening]

S. "Bug Scoop"
[Sarracenia ‘Bug Scoop’]

S. "Halo of Fire"
[Sarracenia “Halo of Fire”]

S. courtii x 'Adrian Slack'
[Sarracenia courtii x ‘Adrian Slack’]

Sarracenia seedlings
[Sarracenia babies!]

Ok… I’m off to inhale more Thera Flu goodness right now… g’nite…