In honor of the SF Giants clinching the National League West Championship tonight, I wanted to update you on this project that I’ve recently completed. YEAH! So you may recall that back in May I started this little experiment inspired by the artistry of Japanese apple farmers. To the left you’ll see the photo of the plant before it colored up, with the SF Giants sticker applied to it. I wanted to see if the sticker would keep that area of the plant lighter as the plant got darker throughout the season. The result I had in mind would be to have a plant that represented the SF Giants nicely. Oh, by the way — a special thank you to fellow SF Giants fan homie Chris Nieman of Sticky Fingas Customs for creating these stickers! (Check his feed out on Instagram: @duffmanivxx.) I am glad to report that this was a success with this plant!
YES, there are awesome phenomenal parallels between baseball and gardening. If you haven’t seen it, be sure and check out John Markowski’s post: Why Gardening is Just Like Baseball. See, I wanted some way to combine and represent the SF Giants madness with my obsession with pitcher plants. Pitcher. Get it? Pitcher as in – baseball? (Womp womp…) Heck it even affects the way I pollinate my plants: see figure E in this post. And yo, in my garden, you will find a couple things that represent.

Left: A Catcher Plant amongst pitcher plants, growing in the rally pot
Right: Sanfranciscogiantsaiea Aubrey Huffii
Funny enough, just like the SF Giants, my garden has gone through similar times. Had a rough year last season facing lots of adversity. This year was off to a slow start. Lots of changes and losses. Aaaaaand after going through a few adjustments, things all of a sudden look much brighter and better. My garden is finally coming to life, and the SF Giants just clinched the NL West Championship. AWESOME.
Back to the experiment: My little project first started out with 3 plants. The other plants didn’t do to well. Because of all the moving the plants underwent in the past few months, the pitchers got really torn up and the results weren’t too good. The other pitcher was accidentally torn up, and the Sarracenia rosea turned red even with the sticker. I will have to select a different plant next year. The one plant that did work out was this select clone of Sarracenia ‘Alucard’ – “Prince of Darkness”. This plant was created and bred by the legend, Phil Faulisi. Below are two pictures, documenting some progress. Glad to know this works, I have some more ideas for next season! (Chris, going to have to hit you up again bro!)
Now I just gotta breed an orange and black Sarracenia… hah!
August 2012
Sneaking a peak!
September 2012
Again, congratulations to the SF Giants!
2012 NL West Champions!