Tag Archives: Free

Young and Green

Here’s some young green (anthocyanin free) plants! There’s still a lot of evolving to do, but so far, so good!

Sarracenia (rubra ssp. jonesii AF x minor var. okefenokeensis) x "Green Monster"
Sarracenia (rubra ssp. jonesii AF x minor var. okefenokeensis)
x “Green Monster”
This AF plant is the result of crossing one AF recessive plant with an anthocyanin free plant. This seedling is the only one that survived the multiple moves. Glad that it was the AF one that survived!

Sarracenia moorei AF
Sarracenia moorei AF

Sarracenia mitchelliana AF x "Green Monster"
Sarracenia mitchelliana AF x “Green Monster”

Sarracenia venosa AF
Sarracenia venosa AF F2

Sarracenia courtii AF x purpurea ssp. venosa AF
Sarracenia courtii AF x purpurea ssp. venosa AF

Sarracenia (purpurea heterophylla x rubra ssp. jonesii) x (leucophylla x rubra ssp. gulfensis ) x "Green Monster"
Sarracenia ((purpurea heterophylla x rubra ssp. jonesii AF) x (leucophylla AF x rubra ssp. gulfensis AF)) x “Green Monster”

…and here are a few AF recessive babies that should be fun to work with in future breeding projects!

Sarracenia "Green Monster" x rosea "Big Mama"
Sarracenia “Green Monster” x rosea “Big Mama”

Sarracenia "Green Monster" x rosea "Big Mama"
Sarracenia “Green Monster” x rosea “Big Mama”
I think the little seedling that photo-bombed this photo may be S. “Green Monster” – F2. It’s possible that some of pollen from the pod parent may have gotten on the stigma. At this point, it certainly looks that way.

Sarracenia rosea "Big Mama" x venosa AF
Sarracenia rosea “Big Mama” x venosa AF

Sarracenia 'Doodle Bug' OP - Wide Hood x "Green Monster"
Sarracenia ‘Doodle Bug’ OP Hybrid x “Green Monster”

They’re ALIVE!

This year, I started my seeds in the greenhouse without any use of lighting or additional heat. *GASP!* Yeah, really! I normally would start them under lights (like this), but I ended up with about 150 or so different crosses that I’m germinating this year. Germination just took a little longer that I was used to.

I only had about 30 crosses of my own that actually took and set seed last year. Yeah, only 30 because of this >FUGLY-ness< a year ago.  Yo, it’s crazy to think that I was in THAT mess a year ago…  That said, many other friends sent me their own seeds that I’m growing out now. (Thanks again, y’all!)

Under lights, and with the addition of heat I’ve had seeds germinate in little as one week. I didn’t feel like dealing with any lights this year so I decided to germinate the seeds under my existing conditions.  I started the seeds a bit later in the year when it was warmer. It took roughly 5-6 weeks before I saw any signs of life, but I’m glad to report – they’re alive! THEY’RE ALIVE! Muahhaehah!!  There’s a lot more interesting-ness that will be coming out of this 2012-2013 generation, but for now – here are a couple AF crosses I’m excited to grow out! (D’aww, aren’t they cute?!)

Sarracenia luteola x 'Suspicion' Sarracenia leucophylla AF x psittacina AF

Left: Anthocyanin free catesbaei (Sarracenia luteola x flava ‘Supicion’)
Right: Anthocyanin free wrigleyana (Sarracenia leucophylla AF x psittacina AF)

Bog Goblin – AF Weirdness: Part 1

Last year I received S. “Bog Goblin” from Brooks Garcia. The parentage is Sarracenia purpurea ssp. purpurea f. heterophylla x (leucophylla AF x rubra ssp. jonesii AF). Looks pretty anthocyanin free, right?

It’s a nice plant, but there’s something more to it which I’ll share in the next post.

Sarracenia "Bog Goblin"
Sarracenia “Bog Goblin”
Sarracenia purpurea ssp. purpurea f. heterophylla
x (leucophylla AF x rubra ssp. jonesii AF)
New growth – looking very AF

Sarracenia "Bog Goblin"
Sarracenia “Bog Goblin”
Sarracenia purpurea ssp. purpurea f. heterophylla
x (leucophylla AF x rubra ssp. jonesii AF)
New growth – looking very AF


Sarracenia "Bog Goblin"
Sarracenia “Bog Goblin”
Sarracenia purpurea ssp. purpurea f. heterophylla
x (leucophylla AF x rubra ssp. jonesii AF)
Back of the pitcher.

Friday Flower Buds & Fresh Foliage

Happy Friday everyone! Here’s a few shots of Friday flower buds & fresh foliage to kick off the weekend. Enjoy!


Sarracenia alata - Covington Co., AL
Sarracenia alata – Covington Co. AL

Sarracenia leucophylla "Juju Lips"
Sarracenia leucophylla “Juju Lips”

Sarracenia leucophylla 'Tarnok'
Sarracenia leucophylla ‘Tarnok’

Sarracenia cuprea  - MW Best Clone
Sarracenia flava var. cuprea – MW Best Clone

Sarracenia mitchelliana, AF clone
Sarracenia mitchelliana, anthocyanin free clone

Sarracenia leucophylla - Franklin Co., FL
Sarracenia leucophylla – Franklin Co., FL

Sarracenia (leucophylla x oreophila) - Oudean Clone x 'Adrian Slack'
Sarracenia (leucophylla x oreophila) Oudean Clone x ‘Adrian Slack’

Sarracenia flava var. ornata - Bulloch Co., GA  x Oreophila -Alabama
Sarracenia flava var. ornata – Bulloch Co., GA x oreophila – AL
Cross by Mike Wang

Sarracenia 'Schnell's Ghost' x 'Adrian Slack'
Sarracenia ‘Schnell’s Ghost’ x ‘Adrian Slack’

Sarracenia "Tapestry Sister" x (flava x willsii) Triffid Park Clone
Sarracenia “Tapestry Sister” x (flava x willisii – Triffid Park Clone)

Sarracenia 'Godzuki' x (rubra x oreophila) x flava v. rugelli
Sarracenia ‘Godzuki’ x ((rubra x oreophila) x flava var. rugelii)

Sarracenia oreophila
Sarracenia oreophila

Sarracenia leucophylla, Anthocyanin Free CloneSarracenia leucophylla – anthocyanin free clone


Green Dragons and Princes

Last week, the greenhouse was invaded with dragons and princes. Sarracenia-ly speaking, of course! A pair of Sarracenia “Green Dragon” and Sarracenia “Green Prince” have made their homes here. So freaking excited. Those of you who know me know that I LOVE anthocyanin free plants! A huge THANK YOU to Jason Austin of Rarefind Nursery! The plants arrived in great condition! They were a little muddied up, but that’s nothing to worry about at all. I repotted them and hope they’re happy!

Sarracenia “Green Dragon” and Sarracenia “Green Prince” are crosses involving S. “Green Monster” as the pod parent. S. “Green Monster” is fascinating and amazing anthocyanin free version of S. excellens (a minor/leucophylla hybrid) – a cross created by Bill Scholl. S. “Green Dragon” is S. “Green Monster” x purpurea f. heterophylla, and S. “Green Prince” is S. “Green Monster” x leucophylla AF. Both of these crosses were done by Bill Smith in May of 2009, and the seed was sown in December 2009. (Dude, awesome stuff, Bill!)

I’ve done S. purpurea f. heterophylla x “Green Monster” last year (the reciprocal cross of S. “Green Dragon”, using S. purpurea f. heterophylla as the pod parent and S. “Green Monster” as the pollen parent) so it will be interesting to compare them. I would imagine that similar looking plants will arise. My S. leucophylla AF on the other hand hasn’t been dependable in breeding in the past 3 years. That’s why you haven’t seen me doing many crosses with them. The pollen seems to be firing blanks, or something. I think this year a few pods did take, but seed count was very low in the ones I’ve harvested.

Anyway, below are a few photos of some of the new AF plants that have made their home with me. Jason and Rarefind – THANK YOU so much for these awesome plants! Looking forward to seeing them grow!

Sarracenia "Green Prince" and "Green Dragon" arrive
The princes and dragons arrive.

Sarracenia "Green Prince" Sarracenia "Green Prince"
Sarracenia “Green Prince”

Sarracenia "Green Dragon" Sarracenia "Green Dragon"
Sarracenia “Green Dragon”

Sarracenia "Green Prince" and "Green Dragon"The princes and dragons living together in harmony.

Happy Thanksgiving!

Wishing all of you out there a very Happy Thanksgiving!

Let us take a moment and just have an attitude of gratitude for all the many blessings in our lives.  So much to be thankful for… I’m thankful for my family, for my friends, and also you fellow gardeners out there that continue to inspire us all.

To show my gratitude, I am having a Thanksgiving GIVE AWAY! YES!!

Win free seedlings! I will be thinning out my seedling crosses soon and will give away 3 seedlings of my 2008 cross: Sarracenia “Bug Bat” x “Diane Whittaker”.  The 3 seedlings will be randomly selected by me. A sample photo of the seedlings I am selecting from below…

You Can Win This! :)[Sarracenia “Bug Bat” x “Diane Whittaker”, 2008 Cross]


1.) Have an interest in these rad and freekin’ awesome plants. That’s probably why you’re here, right?

2.) Have mad love for the plants you’ll get. Be sure to provide the proper conditions for these guys … care for the plants you’ll get.   If you don’t know how to care for em, ask me!

3.) Live in the United States. If you enter and you are not in the US… sorry. I’m selectin’ another winner. (Sorry to all my international friends, but I can only ship within the US.)

4.) Only one entry per person.

5.) Get your entries in on or before 11:59 PM Pacific Standard Time on December 3rd. I’ll randomly select a winner using this randomizer website on December 4th, and I’ll contact the winner directly. I know that it’s cold and if it’s too cold in your area to ship live plants, we’ll work out the logistics later on (shipping on a particular date, etc, etc…).  I will ship using priority mail.


Since I’ll be separating these seedlings out, I will be only shipping bare root.  Also to make it clear, I will only be selecting one winner using the randomizer website  mentioned above.  The winner will be the first person the randomizer list chooses.  If you don’t win this time around, don’t worry … there will be other giveaways here so don’t not fret! You’ll have plenty of chances to win other things! 😉  Sharin’ the love!

How to enter:

Just  comment below — tell us what you are thankful for!  Be sure to include your email in the email field below so that I can contact you. If I can’t contact you… well.. then I’ll randomly select someone else 😉

Ready…. Set… GO!
Happy Thanksgiving!