Tag Archives: fire


I recently got all the plants somewhat sorted out and kind of clean, but I haven’t really done much dividing or trimming yet. I’ll be getting to that. Anyway, if you know me you’ll know that I can be kind of a pyro-maniac at times. That even includes times in the greenhouse.

Now, controlled burns like what Bob Hanrahan does here are beneficial and necessary for the well being of these plants. Burns like I’ve photographed below are unnecessary, and more for my entertainment value. I guess. (Kids don’t try this at home). I think it looked cool so just snapped a couple photos … ‘cuz I’m a nut like that. Besides, I had to keep warm in the greenhouse somehow, right?

Sarracenia on FireSarracenia leucophylla on fire

Sarracenia on FireSarracenia formosa flambe

Fire and Brimstone

Sarracenia 'Golden Red Jubilee' x purpurea ssp. purpureaWhile cleaning out the and organizing plants the other day, I stumbled upon a pot of Sarracenia ‘Golden-Red Jubilee‘ x purpurea ssp. purpurea. Always nice to find surprises like this! I did this cross back (I think) in 2009. Possibly 2008. Eh, gotta check. From what I recall, many of the seedlings were deeply and richly colored. (Example: see 5th photo in this post from June of last year.) Even some of the green ones exhibited a nice “chunky” veiny trait to them. In the photo to the left, you can see the older foliage just limp and blah all over the pot looking messy, however there are 3 recent pitchers that really stood out that stem from 2 of the seedlings in the batch. One plant decided to don a mischievous yet fiery pink. The other is cloaked in a sulfur and brimstone yellow backdrop for the web of dark veins. Seeing this color combination together made me think of fire and brimstone. Both young siblings, though different in color, display a similar and elegantly sinister facade.

Sarracenia 'Golden Red Jubilee' x purpurea ssp. purpureaSarracenia ‘Golden-Red Jubilee’ x purpurea ssp. purpurea

Sarracenia 'Golden Red Jubilee' x purpurea ssp. purpurea
Sarracenia ‘Golden-Red Jubilee’ x purpurea ssp. purpurea

Cinnamon on Fire

Sarracenia "Savanna Fire" x "Cinnamon Tube"
Sarracenia “Savanna Fire” x “Cinnamon Tube”
A cross by Wes Buckner

Time to Clean Up…

“Clean up, clean up, everybody everywhere! Clean up clean up, everybody do their share!”

‘Tis the season — the plants are now pretty much dormant, even here in mild Cali.  Many of my other friends and fellow growers have their plants locked up in ice, burred under snow, or just frozen. There’s still a couple pitchers that look OK – but for the most part, it’s a sea of crispy brown pitchers.

Clean Up
[Time for that annual MOW DOWN!]


On a side note: What I did in prior years was actually light some pitchers on fire. Yes. I am just slightly pyro. Lighting things on fire and blowing things up is pretty fun.  Especially when saying “fire, fire, fire, eh heh, heh heh” in a Beavis and Butthead kind of way. (Just kidding about the Beavis and Butthead thing… ) Not that I believed that there was any benefit to the plant or anything, – like I said, I’m just slightly pyro. In the wild though, the burns are beneficial to the plants, controlling the surrounding weed growth that compete with the plants.


fire[Eh heh, heh, heh … fire, fire, FIRE! Cornhoolioooo!]

So yeah, I got my work cut out for me this winter season. Lots of pitcher mowin’ down to do.  All good though, love doing this as it prepares the plants for spring and give me yet another excuse to be out in the garden during the winter. 🙂

Gotta clean this 'ish up. Good times![Clean up! WHOOOHOOOO!]

And if you haven’t done so all ready, check out the last post to enter and win some Sarracenia seedlings!