Tag Archives: December

Sarracenia’s First Snow – Dec 2016

There are so many new things that I’m experiencing here in the wonderful Pacific Northwest playground – and my Sarracenia are also having some interesting new experiences as well. Such as — snow! WHOA. Congratulations, Sarracenia – snow level achievement unlocked! Yes. Snow. It’s a total trip. The botanical babes have gone from sheltered greenhouse growing in the past few years (See: Summer Sanctuary 2014) to the real world of outdoor growing. And now, they get to experience some literally cool stuff.

“But wait – oh WHAT? I thought they’re tropical plants n’ shit?” you may be saying to yourself. Nahhh fam, they may look kinda cold and sad and depressed for the moment, but quite honestly they’re quite tougher than what most folks give them credit for. >>Insert a life metaphorical comment about plant and life parallels here.<< I put together a little video and a few images below for your viewing enjoyment. Oh, don’t mind the mess in the yard by the way, I still need to level the yard and get tables built. Kinda hard to do that when it’s a giant mud pit full of black berries… so for now they’re just resting in tubs until I figure that out. Glad I could capture these bae-bay’s first snow days. More snow expected in the forecast here in Portland this week, I’m sure the plants are looking forward to it. Brrrr! Happy growing all yous wonderfuls peoples out there. Stay warm!



Sarracenia's First Snow - Dec 2016

Sarracenia's First Snow - Dec 2016

Frosty Flytraps

Sarracenia's First Snow - Dec 2016

Sarracenia seedlings just… chillin’.

Sarracenia's First Snow - Dec 2016

Sarracenia's First Snow - Dec 2016

The Dogwood encased in ice. It watches over the Sarracenia like a crystal chandelier.

Sarracenia's First Snow - Dec 2016

Sarracenia's First Snow - Dec 2016

Sarracenia's First Snow - Dec 2016

Sarracenia's First Snow - Dec 2016