Tag Archives: Courtii

Sarracenia courtii x ‘Adrian Slack’

Sarracenia courtii x 'Adrian Slack'[Sarracenia courtii x ‘Adrian Slack’]

A couple years ago I had this strange notion of crossing a very colorful clone of a nice deep red S. courtii with S. ‘Adrian Slack’.  There’s a lot of seedlings from this batch that are coming up pretty nice.  Here’s one pitcher that recently opened.   I’m really looking forward to seeing how these babies will do in the coming years. You may of remembered this entry close to a year ago.  Almost a YEAR ago!  It’s just amazing seeing the “kids” grow up! Geez.

It’s a trip.  Speaking of kids, my youngest is starting kindergarten in the coming weeks ahead.  And my eldest starts first grade.  DUDE.  REALLY?! WTF, where does this time go?! I’m amazed and blown away at how fast time goes by. Seriously!  There’s always that constant parallel of growth in life with the garden.  I love how I can look at the garden and see how it echoes different events and milestones in my life.  YES I’d like to see all these seedlings I have grow up to maturity, however I’m also learning that it takes time.  It’s really teaching me to savor the moment and enjoy every moment, and every season I am in.   It doesn’t last forever…


Hybrid Update: S. courtii x “Green Monster”, AF Clone

Happy Friday everyone!  I was out relaxing a bit in the garden when I got home, and just wanted to share with y’all how this cross was doing.  Again, it was a cross I did back in 09, and now I’m starting to see the work start to pay off, 2 years later! Be sure to check this post out so you can see how far these babies have come along.

And again, just to show you, here are the two parents:

[Meet the parents]

[Left: S. courtii, AF | Right: S. “Green Monster”. (S. excellens, AF)]

What’s funny is that the the two “select” seedlings that I set aside back then, are about the same size (or now even smaller) than some of the other seedlings I have growing in that tub now.  Goes to show you, you never really know what you’ll get when breeding and growing from seed —  and what seedlings will spring up as late starters. Or I should say, late jumpers.

I’m really liking the seedlings with the clean polka dotish action on the pitchers. Finally seeing the fruition of my labor is exciting and keeps me going in this obsession.  I’m still fairly new at breeding – can’t wait to see some of the other stuff cookin’ grow up!

Sarracenia courtii AF x "Green Monster"[S. courtii AF x “Green Monster” –  August 12, 2011]

Take the Leap

A leaf hopper quietly sits and is tempting fate – about to take the plunge into S. AF courtii x “Green Monster”.  This leap into the abyss was very bad for Mr. Leafhopper, but very good for the plant. (Yummy!)
Livin' on the edge
[Leafhopper vs. S. courtii AF x “Green Monster”]

I took my own leap of faith yesterday as well… it was a first for me, but certainly *not* going to be my last.  A truly amazing experience indeed.  And I admit, the rush is kind of addicting! Leaping from close to 2 miles above the earth was unforgettable and a humbling experience that redefined my perception. Releasing all fear and restraint opens up new doors to endless possibilities.  Take the leap.

On Edge
[Sarraceniadude in the sky! Photo by Mark @ NorCal Sky Diving.]


Sarracenia courtii AF clone


Sarracenia courtii - anthocyanin free[Sarracenia courtii, anthocyanin free clone]

Ah, how I love these AF plants! I think this plant is a fun and goofy one. Here’s S. courtii (AF clone) stretching and sprawling out on this lazy weekend…


Happy St. Patrick’s Day!
I know I’m putting this up late and for those of you in other time zones,  it aint St. Patty’s day anymore.  Anywhoo, for St. Patty’s day, the green feature is an anthocyanin free courtii, and it’s flower is just starting to open! YAY! Took this photo today…  I am looking forward to hybridizing with this one again this year! Woohoo! Go Green!

[Sarracenia courtii, anthocyanin free]

Hybrid Update: S. courtii x "Green Monster", Anthocyanin free clone

Hope everyone is having a great weekend so far!  Here’s an update of a hybrid that I created in 2009.  Looking forward to what the mature adult plants will be like — and not only because I think both of the parent plants are pretty FRESH, but they are also anothcyanin free, and  I flippin’ love love LOVE anthocyanin free plants.  Again, when a plant is anthocyanin free (or “AF” for shorthand) there is no pigment/coloration in it.   I guess you can say it’s equivalent to albino-ness.

[Meet the parents]

[Left: S. courtii, AF | Right: S. “Green Monster”. (S. excellens, AF)]

[S. courtii x “Green Monster”, September 28, 2010]

Sarracenia courtii x "Green Monster"[S. courtii x “Green Monster”, November 13, 2010]

And the two of the strongest seedlings were separated and are lookin’ pretty good thus far.

Sarracenia courtii x "Green Monster", Anthocyain Free[S. courtii x “Green Monster”, November 13, 2010]

Sarracenia courtii x "Green Monster", Anthocyain Free[S. courtii x “Green Monster”, November 13, 2010]

Seasons [Seedling] Shift

It is a new season, and it’s becoming obvious in the garden, as well as life.  I couldn’t help but thing about change as I was driving home from the office on this beautiful evening.  I was appreciating some simple things about this change into fall:  taking in the colors of the fall sky at dusk,  rollin’ home down highway 1 with the windows down, breathing that fall air, the feel of the wind on my bald scalp… oh and pumpkin spice lattes now available! YEAH! (well, nix the pumpkin spice. I’m happy with just coffee.)  🙂

Cycles. Seasons. Change. Growth.


Shifts are necessary in growing Sarracenia as well. When one grows Sarracenia from seed like me — things can and will get crowded *very* fast. Sure, seedlings will grow in the pot – for a while – but the true potential of the seedling won’t be visable until some changes happens and it’s given a little bit of room to grow.

The following photos are of a cross that I did last year of Sarracenia courtii, anthocyanin free clone x “Green Monster”  (Photos here link to the actual parent plants.)  This is S. courtii, anthocyanin free x excellens, anthocyanin free.  Anthocyanin free plants lack pigmentation and are all green. All awesome. More examples from an earlier green post.

[Sarracenia courtii, anthocyanin free x “Green Monster” – cross by Robert Co – It’s crowded! Sho ’nuff!]

In the photo above, the seedlings are growing very fast, however it’s time to sort this out. Time to sort and shift em into a place where they can grow.

Separating Sarracenia courtii x "Green Monster"[Removed from the pot. Time to break em apart.]

Separating Sarracenia courtii x "Green Monster"[Sorting.]

The sorting process is fascinating. You don’t really realize how many seedlings are in there until you break it all apart. The strongest ones are evident, and the rest — well other growers will compost them, but I’d like to give this particular cross one year to see how the plants fare and adjust just due to the rarity of the parentage. I’m hoping for some surprises as some seedlings may look smaller and not as strong as their siblings at this time, but the next year after a little TLC, some could have a spurt and become the winners of the group. It has happened to me with a few earlier crosses.

Separating Sarracenia courtii x "Green Monster"[Strongest seedling out of this batch. Good size and shape, and root system formed.]

Separating Sarracenia courtii x "Green Monster"[Fresh transplants… time for growth. In the coming years, their characters will be revealed.]