Tag Archives: brand

Hello Sunshine

Hello Sunshine!

Hello Sunshine!  Here’s my shameless plug for the peat moss brand I use!   A few of you have emailed me asking about what kind of moss/media I use… so here you go.  Sunshine brand!  I’ve used other brands that were OK, but some other brands were just full o’ crap.  Twigs, bugs, weeds, and fungi, and mold were among some of the things that I came across with other stuff I’ve used. Anyway, I’m really happy with Sunshine brand.  YES, it can be a little bit more expensive, but I have a buddy at a local nursery who helps me and hooks it up.  I recently  replenished my stash of peat moss for my repotting project with a few more 3.8 cu foot bales! So far,  I’ve already gone through roughly 10.2 cu. feet of the stuff (YES, I am repotting EVERYTHING… it is quite cleansing!) and I hope the remainder of the stash will be enough to finish off the remaining tables.


Also, a huge THANK YOU for those who’ve supported me in this project and purchased plants off of me!  (Oh yah, donations welcome too…!) The Sarracenia madness would not be possible without ya! And… If you are wondering why I haven’t updated the store lately — it’s because I’ve been busy repotting before the plants wake up.  Next couple of weekends are busy but I should have a few more things up … stay tuned!