
Sarracenia moorei "Orange Glow" x 'Adrian Slack'Sarracenia moorei “Orange Glow” x ‘Adrian Slack’

As I was out checking up the plants, one of the seedlings caught my eye. It was kind of like “OH! SOMETHING SHINY!” in a mess of burning-out-toppled-over-older-pitchers. It’s Sarracenia moorei “Orange Glow” x ‘Adrian Slack’ which I crossed back in 2009. I haven’t really noticed it in the past because of all the transitions, and the poor conditions that the plants were in. I  mos’ def had a hard time seeing the true potential in the plants at that crappy last spot, but things are turning around here. Now that it’s getting more light, it seems happier and is putting up new pitchers. I hope that it can hold or even intensify that white coloration as it matures. This is one that I’ll be watching for sure!

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