Project Pollinate Tarnok – Update

Sup y’all. An update on Project Pollinate Tarnok.  Check it, here’s the first post from a couple months ago.  In the photo below,  I am just checking under the hood – I’m checking for swelling or… whatever the heck a S. ‘Tarnok’ pod is supposed to do at this time.  (I have no clue, it’s my first time doing this with Tarnok.) When I did this cross, I was doing a continuous pollen dump on the stigmas.  Honestly, I don’t know if there’s any seed in there or not. This could of been a complete failure, but heck, I tried. If no seed this year, I’ll try again next year.

I wonder…

Sarracenia leucophylla 'Tarnok' x flava var. cuprea
[S. leucophylla ‘Tarnok’ x flava v. cuprea – I wonder if it took?]

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