Tag Archives: Yummy!

Hungry Youngsters

Cute they may be – but don’t let them fool you! Even the first baby pitchers come up hungry! Here’s one showing an appetite for those little irritating fungus gnats (Bradysia species). MMMMMM — Delicious!!!

Sarracenia moorei - AF

Sarracenia moorei - AF

Trick, Trap, n’ Treat!

Wishing you all a very safe and Happy Halloween!

As far as the fly below is concerned, it went knocking on the wrong door.  It was tricked, trapped, and served as a treat for the Sarracenia… yum!


I'm stuffed…

Dude, I’m stuffed… I just had this incredible dinner just now – a regular “mixtwo” burrito from Taqueria Guadalajara. (yeah, that’s a yelp link…) I don’t like the sour cream and other “fluff” to get in the way of the flavors of the meat. The two choices of protein in this particular burrito was carne asada (steak) and carnitas (pork).  The flavors play well off each other and enhance each other.  And these burritos were like as big as my forearm, and i figured I would only eat half and work out tonight — BUT — the flavor was so awesome that I just ate the whole thing. YES.  Anyway… now that I got that out of the way, I feel friggin’ stuffed. Like dude… food comatose is setting in but I gotta get this blog post outta the way before I fall asleep on my keyboard. 😉

Just hope I don’t end up like the following photo of a pitcher plant filled with bugs. This pitcher is completely stuffed.  Look closely, you can see the exoskeltons of the meals in there.  Pitcher plants are great at trapping prey; when they get too full, the older pitchers will kinda burn out and dark burn marks will appear, or sometimes the pitcher will just break down like below.  Sometimes, the traps are so good at catching prey they get so loaded and wasted with bugs that the pitcher topple over.   Yummy.  Ok, pass the Pepto Bismol please…



So, after the meal gets drawn in to the pitcher by the sights, smells, and savory serum spawned from the fierce foliage , it ends up looking kinda like this. Check out all those bugs swimming in a rich latte of enzymes that the plant uses to break em’ down for some nutritious absorption. Nice!


[In the tube…]