Tag Archives: Yellow River

Standing Out

Hey everyone, hope your having a good week so far! Here’s a few more photos of some plants that are awake and are standing out among their (slowly waking) siblings. Enjoy!

Sarracenia moorei, Yellow River x [((purpurea x flava) x flava) x minor]
A cross I did around 2008.

Sarracenia ‘Godzuki’ x ((rubra x oreophila) x flava var. rugelii)
Cross I did around 2008.

Sarracenia readii x ‘Leah Wilkerson’
Cross by Wes Buckner

Sarracenia "Redman" F2 x roseaSarracenia “Redman” F2 x rosea
A cross by Jerry Addington
An older pitcher that formed late last season, but it’s colored up quite nicely.

Sarracenia 'Judith Hindle' x 'Adrian Slack'S. ‘Adrian Slack’ x ‘Judith Hindle’
A pretty nice clone of a cross done by Mike Wang

Early Riser: First Bloom

While most plants are dormant, there are a few that are early risers here.  Perhaps it is because a few are still adjusting and out of whack from all of the shuffle last year. Also, the greenhouse I am in now has a couple hot spots. The winner of this year’s first flower goes to a complex hybrid I did a few years ago of Sarracenia moorei – Yellow River, FL x [((purpurea x flava) x flava) x minor]

Sarracenia moorei, Yellow River, FL x [(purpurea x flava) x flava)] x minor

Running not far behind are a few plants, one of which is this anthocyanin free hybrid. Not sure exactly what this one is – perhaps some combo of AF (anthocyanin free) psittacina/rubra cross. I caught this one as the sun was behind the new pitcher. It was really highlighting that glow that I love so much with AF plants. And yeah, there’s still a whole slew of dead pitchers in the background, but I’m making my rounds cleaning up each section as I get to it.

Anthocyanin free hybrid about to bloom. I suspect a psittacina/rubra hybrid.

Seeing the signs of plants breaking dormancy is exciting indeed. Like, I’m freakin’ out inside when I think about all the possibilities this year! SO much to look forward to! Again, most of the plants are dormant and just a pile of elongated crispy leaves. These plants are just a handful that are awake early. This won’t be for long though. In a matter of a few short weeks, there again will be a deluge of growth and color. And yes, it will be awesome.