Tag Archives: Wes Buckner

New Additions to the Family

I came home today to a very awesome surprise — a huge and special thank you to my friend Wes Buckner for sending a few nice plants over to me!  I got home late this evening — it was really was a great way to end a wonderful day for me.  It also means a start to a great weekend — lots of potting ahead!

Thank you Wes, I really appreciate it!

The box of Sarrs and it’s aura of awesomeness.  

Check out the way Wes expertly cushioned the plants!

Sarracenia rhizomes packed nice and snug.

Rhizomes arrived in perfect shape.  Oh man, I’m going to have a fun time potting them up this weekend!  It’s going to be fun seeing these new additions grow up with the rest of the Sarracenia family!

Sarracenia “Bud Wilkerson” x chelsonii

Part of the fun of diving into the fray of trimming and cleaning is finding things that I haven’t seen in a while, or at times — didn’t even know about.  There’s so many plants hiding between this and that, and with the seedling babies – heck, I don’t even know what’s going on sometimes. Here’s a couple sibling young plants that my friend Wes Buckner did between Sarracenia “Bud Wilkerson” (a moorei, or a leucophylla / flava Sarracenia hybrid) and a Sarracenia chelsonii (a Sarracenia purpurea/rubra hybrid).  He sent me these seeds about 3 years ago, I think.  You can see the variation between the two and that’s what makes Sarracenia breeding for me so fascinating. You never quite know what you’ll get.  One is producing nice upright veined and ruffled pitchers drawing influence from S. chelsonii. The other plant (that should produce some larger pitchers this coming year, and not as quite as large as it’s sibling yet)  has a little bit more of the moorei influence and what I hope to be a consistent vertical throat splotch. The latter reminds me a little bit of some cat’s eyes…

Sarracenia “Bud Wilkerson” x chelsonii

Sarracenia “Bud Wilkerson” x chelsonii