Tag Archives: Welcome home

Welcome Home

I’m back in the SF Bay! Seattle was amazing, as always! It was a wonderful week of rejuvenation and relaxation – not to mention seeing some awesome carnivores at Karen Oudean’s and Jerry Addington’s place.   I’ll share the photos in a soon-to-come future post.

So anyway, a week later I came home to the buds swelling and opening up. It’s always nice to see these things explode into colors, and it made for a nice welcome home indeed.  I started to collect pollen and do a few hybridizations. The madness begins: vacation over and now time to get to (hybridizing) work!

Welcome HomeA few buds about to explode.

Sarracenia moorei flower

Sarracenia courtii x ‘Adrian Slack’ – Select Clone

Sarracenia “Blood Moon” x luteola – crossed this before I left for vacation. I see the flower is now nodding upwards so hopeful that the cross took.


An Open Welcome Home

Howdy! I’m back.

Last week in Seattle was simply awesome!  I loved getting away and going to my home away from home.  I miss it up there…

And yeah, I’m working on putting the photos together for ya and it will be a future post… (hope to get it up sooner or later!)

Anyway, the plants seemed happy to see me back … here’s a few shots of the pitchers. When I left they were pretty much closed off but have opened during the week while I was out.  Oh, what a nice welcome back home…


Sarracenia Nadine
[Sarracenia “Nadine”]

Sarracenia "Halo of Fire"
[Sarracenia “Halo of Fire”]

Sarracenia AF purpurea hybrid
[Sarracenia purpurea hybrid, anthocyanin free]

Sarracenia umlauftiana
[Sarracenia umlauftaiana – open when I left, but the coloration got richer whilst I was away!]

Sarracenia 'Leah Wilkerson' x 'Adrian Slack'
[Sarracenia ‘Leah Wilkerson’ x ‘Adrian Slack’ – crackin’ a smile! Oh and even better, the coloration will get more intense as the season progresses…]