Ah, just a quick post before I go to bed tonight; something interesting enough I thought would be worth sharing. We just had a heavy hail storm here, at least, by our standards (after all, it’s the Bay Area, Cali … even frost for me is rare…)
We’ve had some rain lately, but I knew this was something else when the whole house was literally vibrating due to the impact of the hail. I looked out and saw my deck covered in white. So what did I do? I threw on my ski pants and jacket, ran outside, and frolicked in the streets a bit. I even did my own HAIL ANGEL. Yeah, the neighbors thought I was nuts, but how many of them can actually say they did a hail angel in front of their house?
[My Hail Angel. Hail-a cool, hu?]
And of course, after playing in the ice a bit, I had to check on the plants…. and here they are, a bit icy looking.
Eh, they’ll be fine.
[Sarracenia snow cones!]