Tag Archives: weird June weather

Sarracenias in the Rain

We’ve been having some really weird June weather here.  In fact, it has been the wettest June of record since 1849.  We’ve had more rain than January! (It’s been quite a dry January for us…) What is going on?!   Anyway, today after I got home, the rain lightened up a little bit enough for me to get out and get a few snapshots of the Sarracenia.  Enjoy!

Rain Rain Go AwayA rainy view from the deck…

Sarracenia flava "Big Mouth"
Sarracenia flava “Big Mouth”

Sarracenia leucophylla "Purple Lips" x 'Royal Ruby'
Sarracenia leucophylla “Purple Lips” x ‘Royal Ruby’

Sarracenia moorei seedlings
Sarracenia moorei seedlings

Sarracenia "Wilkersons Red Rocket" x flava var. rubricorpora
Sarracenia “Wilkerson’s Red Rocket” x flava v. rubricorpora
a cross by Brooks Garcia that I grew out from seed

Sarracenia "Wilkersons Red Rocket" x flava var. rubricorpora
Sarracenia “Wilkerson’s Red Rocket” x flava v. rubricorpora
Cross by Brooks Garcia that I grew out from seed.
Pod sibling to the one above.

Hey, at least I didn’t have to water the plants today! 🙂 Stay dry everyone!