Tag Archives: Travis Wyman

Beauty from Complexity

Sarracenia (leucophylla x oreophila) x [(leucophylla "red" x minor var. okefenokeensis) x 'Royal Ruby']Sarracenia (leucophylla x oreophila) x [(leucophylla “red” x minor var. okefenokeensis) x ‘Royal Ruby’] – Cross by Dr. Travis H. Wyman, 2008

Here’s a cross that Dr. Travis H. Wyman did back in 2008. The parentage has a few things going on: S. (leucophylla x oreophila) x [(leucophylla “red” x minor var. okefenokeensis) x ‘Royal Ruby’].  S. ‘Royal Ruby’ is a red moorei with leucophylla and flava in it’s parentage. The pitchers here recently opened not too long ago, and I suspect that the whiteish interior of the pitcher and nectar roll will be coloring up along with the rest of it. As far as full potential and true colors – at this time, who really knows? (Again, this year has been quite eventful for me.) I didn’t get to really see all that the spring pitchers could do earlier this year, but there’s always next season. Even though it comes from a complex background, I’m finding this clone full of promise and beauty.


Sarracenia 'Reptilian Rose' x (flava v. rubricorpora x leucophylla)
Sarracenia ‘Reptilian Rose’ x (flava v. rubricorpora x leucophylla) – May 2012

Cross done by Dr. Travis H. Wyman. I started to germinate seed back in 2008 and have had a few interesting variations on the jagged lipped theme as imparted by the S. ‘Reptilian Rose’ parentage.  S. ‘Reptilian Rose’ most definitely is one of my favorite Sarracenia out there – created by the legend, Phil Faulisi.  I decided to shoot this in black and white because I really wanted to focus more on the structure of that jagged nectar roll. So far this year it’s been rather colorless anyway because of the lighting situation. Below, back in June 2011, this is what this plant looked like — a deep and intense red flavor. Even without the color, I’m truly in love with that jagged lip.

Sarracenia 'Reptilian Rose' x (flava v. rubricorpora x leucophylla) Sarracenia ‘Reptilian Rose’ x (flava v. rubricorpora x leucophylla) – June 2011

Leuco’s New Home

Some more updates from the repottin’ madness!    Oh, it never ends, but I am enjoying it! One tray at a time!

I received a few select clones of S. leucophylla a while back from Dr. Travis H. Wyman — and they were getting a bit cramped in their current situation – so I decided that it was time to move them to a larger crib!

I am prepared the mini bog, filling it with some fresh media for the leuco’s!  I am using a sand/peat mixture.

Here’s one container of the plants – gettin’ kind of cramped in there as you can see! That’s a large pot of about 2 or 3 plants.

Here’s a larger container of the same S. leucophylla — cramped and in need of a good cleaning.  I just kind of let the containers run amok last year…

Here’s one plant.  There I go with the nitrile gloves again! (Use protection folks… it’s worth it…)  And see that mossy lookin’ crap?  I have no idea what it is – but one thing I know — it’s annoying as hell.  My homie Mike Wang calls it “bitch weed”, cuz it really is a bitch to remove!  I let it kind of get overgrown last year but this year I am doing my best to keep it clean.

Mini bogs now planted. True, it does not look like much now, but I am giving them room to grow — and believe me, they WILL grow!  I am looking forward to these bins filling up with some leucophylla awesomeness this coming year!