Tag Archives: through the years

Sarracenia courtii x ‘Adrian Slack’ – Growing Up

One thing that I enjoy about keeping this blog (other than sharing and connecting with alls you beautifuls peoples out there) is that I’m able to document things, and see how far things have come. It’s amazing to see how much the plants have grown over the years. It’s seriously a trip for me when I  re-live some of the memories as I scroll through the archives. (And yeahhhh, I know I gotta organize that in some sort of logical manner… one day.)

Below are some photos showing how one select clone of S. courtii x ‘Adrian Slack’ (a cross I did back in 2009) has  been developing. Awww, isn’t it cute? It’s amazing to see it showing characteristics as a yearling in September 2010.

Sarracenia courtii x 'Adrian Slack' Sarracenia courtii x 'Adrian Slack'
S. courtii x ‘Adrian Slack’ – Select Clone
Left: September 2010 – Right: August 2011

Sarracenia courtii x 'Adrian Slack' - Select Clone Sarracenia courtii x ‘Adrian Slack’ – Select Clone
September 2012