Tag Archives: The Pitcher Plant Project


Hello! Just like the plants need dormancy and re-potting, so does this blog from time to time. Another year, another decade… another blog format? Hell, why not.

This blog iteration has been upgraded to the archives. Heads up – there were some server changes during digital dormancy. Some links may not work. Some content might be missing or may not display correctly. Oh well. At least, one thing that isn’t missing is that botanical passion. You can keep up with the latest botanical shenanigans over here.

Let’s grow.


GreenhouseGreetings from the Asylum.

Welcome to the NEW Crib!

Welcome to The Pitcher Plant Project’s *new* crib!

Seasons come and seasons go; they are the constant measure to grow with. It’s time to expand —  it’s time to grow.  Soooo…. I’ve just moved the old blog here to it’s new home. (Please update-eth your bookmarks and links…) Word. Thanks homies.

The climate here in the SF/Bay Area is unique enough to actually allow me to do some garden-y things that I probably wouldn’t be able to normally do if I would have been living in another area. In the yard, winter for me is not only a time of cleaning, such as mowing the pitchers down — but it is also a season where I will divide things up and move things around in anticipation of new and continued growth.

I do appreciate all the feedback I’ve gotten thus far in my bloggin’ journey on this weird but awesomely rad plant matter that feeds on things.  To each and  every one of you who allow me to share this addiction with you and also to those that continue to encourage, and inspire – my sincere thanks.  You’ve promoted me to flourish. This blog’s for you. Let’s grow.

Sarracenia "Georgia Peach" x (minor x 'Judith Hindle')[Sarracenia “Georgia Peach” x (minor x ‘Judith Hindle’)]

Sarracenia Seedling Winner Announced!

Thank you all for participating in the first ever giveaway here on The Pitcher Plant Project!  Again, I am so VERY thankful for all of you who check in time to time and allow me to share a little bit of my obsession and Sarracenia psycho-bable with you! YOU GUYS ROCK! Anyway, there *WILL* be more chances to win interesting plants/stuff here in the future, so be sure to tune in often!

So, announcing the winner of this Sarracenia seedling giveaway

3 seedlings of one of my very first Sarracenia crosses from 2008 — Sarracenia “Bug Bat” x “Diane Whittaker”

Wait for it…

Waiit for it…

Waaiiiiiiiit for it…



Silky Smooth

Here’s an up an coming seedling that was given to me by good friend Lois Ochs of Raccoon Ridge  nursery, not sure exactly how old this is, but my estimate would be about 3 years old.  The parentage is Sarracenia ‘Lamentations’ x flava var. rubricorpora. I am lovin’ the combination of color and nice satin-ish texture on the trap. Kinda like… dark silk seducing it’s prey to venture farther into the trap … now that’s sexy.

Sarracenia 'Lamentations' x flava var. rubricorpora[Sarracenia ‘Lamentations’ x flava var. rubricorpora]

AF Project

So, since I’m stuck on the whole AF thing (again, AF is short for anthocyanin free),  just wanted to share one of the crosses that is part of an AF hybridization project. So with this particular cross,  my goal is to create a large green anthocyanin free gigantor S. minor looking type plant.   This is only step one in the process.   Last year, fellow grower  Mike Wang, lent me a Sarracenia minor var. okefenokeensis that was going to flower.  I had some stored Sarracenia “Green Monster” pollen in the fridge that I used on it.  It gave me a few seeds this year and the below photo is a result of that cross.    Now comes the fun part. Yay for awesome geneticish type stuff! The plants below now have that recessive AF gene, and when crossed again with another AF plant, it should unlock some of that AF goodness!  I am also hoping some of the size from the Sarracenia minor var. okefenokeensis would carry over.  It’s going to be a couple of years, but still a something to look forward to!

Sarracenia minor var. okeefenokeensis, x "Green Monster"[S. minor var. okeefenokeensis x S. “Green Monster”,  November 20, 2010]

Down with O.P.P.

Yo, so who’s down with OPP? (Yeah, you know me!) I’m not talking about the song by “Naughty by Nature” – I’m talking plants.
*Open Pollinated Plants. * Dude. I just had a 1991 moment. HA!

Anyway, OPP’s can be interesting. Today’s OPP feature is one I grew from seed from a few years ago. The parent plant is Sarracenia ‘Doodle Bug’ but as far as the pollen parent, ehhh…. who knows, hence the OP designation.  It’s a sibling to this wide-ish-thing  plant I wrote about earlier.   Yeah, I’m down with O.P.P.

Doodle Bug, OP[Sarracenia ‘Doodle Bug’ OP, Photo taken 11/13/2010]