Tag Archives: surprises

Minor … Hybrid?

Minor var. okefenokeensis?

Sarracenia minor var. okefenokeensis x 'Golden Red Jubilee'

I grew the above plant from a seed batch that Brooks Garcia did in either 2008 or 2009. He crossed S. minor var. okefenokeensis with S. ‘Golden Red Jubilee’ and most of the plants look similar to the above photo. Only a couple from the batch look like the photo to the left (photo from 2011, a sibling plant) in where you can see just a tad bit more of the influence of S. ‘Golden Red Jubilee’, yet it’s S. minor that dominates the look. The plant above looks to be mostly minor, which leads me to assume that most of the plants could be selfed. I also have to mention that the pitchers in the photo above formed late-late-late fall. (Yes… some plants are confused from all this moving and I fear it could be another year before things settle back down to a more normal routine.) Form and color have held well since then. I’m really looking forward to seeing it flower and at that time will know better if any of the S. ‘Golden Red Jubilee’ genes made their way into this mix. S. minor flowers are yellow, while S. ‘Golden Red Jubilee’ flowers are a dark red/maroon. I am not sure if the above plant will flower this year, but if not – I hope it will next year. Just another example of the pretty awesome surprises you find when growing plants out from seed. I also like the windows that appear on the side and all the way to the front of the pitcher. It could be a useful characteristic in more breeding projects in the future. Anyway, I’ll photograph and update more of the siblings when a new flush of pitchers come up this year.