Tag Archives: surprise

AF Surprise Update

Back in May, I wrote about this surprise that popped up. The seed batch it came in was Sarracenia mitchelliana x ‘Leah Wilkerson’. As described in that post, that AF-ness (AF short for Anthocyanin Free, or kind of like an “albino” mutation) could stem from several different factors. Here’s an update on how it’s turning out so far. The nectar roll turned white, and some spots are forming that I hope will fill in more under direct sun. Whatever it is, I enjoy this plants company in the Sarracenia sanctuary.

Sarracenia mitchelliana x ‘Leah Wilkerson’ AF

An anthocyanin free Sarracenia surprise that sprung up from a batch of seeds I received from Wes Buckner.
It was labeled as S. mitchelliana x ‘Leah Wilkerson’.