Tag Archives: Summer

Sarracenia – Summer Sanctuary 2014

Sarracenia – Summer Sanctuary 2014

It’s hard to believe, but summer 2014 is drawing to a close and autumn is right around the corner. I put together clips from the past couple of months to commemorate this Sarracenia sanctuary’s summer. Enjoy!

Summer Solstice Seedlings

Happy (belated) Summer Solstice! YES!

To kick off the summer, here’s a few random photos of some seedlings. Most are 1-3 years old.  I snapped these photos during the summer solstice late afternoon. Just a few things here and there, hope you enjoy them.  By the way, I’ve noted who the cross was done by for proper credit down below. Where blank, it was yours truly :).

Not much else to say here except, Happy Summer! Enjoy the sun! (…And Sarracenias!)

Sarracenia courtii x 'Adrian Slack'
[Sarracenia courtii x ‘Adrian Slack’]


Sarracenia courtii x 'Adrian Slack'
[Sarracenia courtii x ‘Adrian Slack’]

Sarracenia 'Kilimanjaro' x (rubra ssp. jonesii x  minor var. okefenokeensis)
[Sarracenia ‘Kilimanjaro’ x (rubra ssp. jonesii x  minor var. okefenokeensis)]

Sarracenia mitchelliana x "Leah Wilkerson"
[Sarracenia mitchelliana x “Leah Wilkerson”, Cross by Wes Buckner]

Sarracenia 'Golden Red Jubilee' x purpurea ssp. purpurea
[Sarracenia ‘Golden Red Jubilee’ x purpurea ssp. purpurea]

Sarracenia leucophylla Franklin Co. "A" x  leucophylla Franklin Co. "B"
[Sarracenia leucophylla Franklin Co. “A” x  leucophylla Franklin Co. “B”, Cross by Wes Buckner]

Sarracenia (leucophylla x oreophila) x (leucophylla "red" x minor var. okefenokeensis )
[Sarracenia (leucophylla x oreophila) x (leucophylla “red” x minor var. okefenokeensis ), Cross by Dr. Travis Wyman]

Sarracenia (leucophylla "red" x minor var. okefenokeensis) x (leucophylla x psittacina)
[Sarracenia (leucophylla “red” x minor var. okefenokeensis) x (leucophylla x psittacina), Cross by Dr. Travis Wyman]

Sarracenia leucophylla x flava
[Sarracenia leucophylla x flava, Cross by Warren Auyong, from seed sent to me by fellow carnivorous plant grower, Crystal Morgan]

Sarracenia minor var. okefenokeensis x "Green Monster"
[Sarracenia minor var. okefenokeensis x “Green Monster”]
Interesting story behind this one above. Read up on it here . Special props to fellow Sarracenia ghetto dude, Mike Wang. (Thanks again bro for letting me use it that one year!)

Sarracenia courtii x "Green Monster", Anthocyanin Free
[Sarracenia courtii x “Green Monster”, Anthocyanin Free]