Tag Archives: Starry Night


More fun stuff I’m finding as I’m wading through the seemingly endless mass of garbled pitchers. Here’s a pot of different clones of a cross I did of S. “Starry Night” x ‘Hummer’s Hammer Head‘. As you can tell in the pot, lots of variation going on there. In fact, check out the previous posts on this cross here and here. Fun stuff! (I just gotta find the other siblings… I am not joking when I say pots are all over the place still!) The thing that kind of caught my attention was this large freakin’ floppy hooded beast thing on skinny popsicle stick pitcher tubes. WTF. It’s kind of a freak. But that’s ok. Freaks are good. Happy Friday!

Sarracenia "Starry Night" x 'Hummers Hammerhead'
Sarracenia “Starry Night” x ‘Hummer’s Hammer Head’

Sarracenia "Starry Night" x 'Hummers Hammerhead'
Sarracenia “Starry Night” x ‘Hummer’s Hammer Head’

Sarracenia "Starry Night" x 'Hummers Hammerhead'Sarracenia “Starry Night” x ‘Hummer’s Hammer Head’

Long Lid

Found this one plant on my recent trimming project…. Back in September 2010 I wrote about a cross I did with Sarracenia “Starry Night” and Sarracenia ‘Hummers Hammerhead’  here. (Check that link out to see some of the sibling crosses…) One of the plants turned out with a clear S. Hummers Hammerhead influence… Just an example of the variation that comes when growing from seed.

Sarracenia “Starry Night”x ‘ Hummers Hammerhead’

Sarracenia "Starry Night" x 'Hummers Hammerhead'

Another one of the crosses I did a couple years ago, finally putting up some defining pitchers.  Sarracenia “Starry Night” (link is a photo to the parent plant) is a very nicely colored Sarracenia excellens (leucophylla/minor hybrid), and Sarracenia ‘Hummer’s Hammerhead, looks like it has… well… a hammer head! 🙂

These are freshly opened pitchers, as the season progresses I hope that more color shows.  Two different seedling pitchers photographed below. The latter is starting to show some pinkish hues. Hmmm… what to call it? A “Starry Hammerhead?” LOL 😉

Sarracenia "Starry Night" x 'Hummers Hammerhead'

[Photo: Sarracenia “Starry Night” x ‘Hummers Hammerhead’]

Sarracenia "Starry Night" x 'Hummers Hammerhead'

[Photo: Sarracenia “Starry Night” x ‘Hummers Hammerhead’]