Tag Archives: Spy Vs. Spy

Spy vs. Spy

Sarracenia "Spy vs. Spy"
Sarracenia “Spy vs. Spy”
A plant I received from Brooks Garcia.
The plant was named after the comic that was first made it’s debut in Mad Magazine No. 60, January 1961. The hood structure bears quite a resemblance to the main characters in the comic. For more information on the Spy. vs. Spy comic, Check out The Wiki.

Spy Vs. Spy

Sarracenia 'Spy Vs. Spy'Sarracenia “Spy Vs. Spy”

This interesting plant originated from Brooks Garcia – which he christened as Sarracenia “Spy Vs. Spy” after the MAD Magazine comic that debuted in 1961. The plant looks like it belongs in the comic! More info on  “Spy Vs. Spy” on the Wiki here!