Tag Archives: seedling

Another Reptile Crossing!

Happy weekend everyone!  Hope your weekends are going well!

Here’s a seedling that was created by Dr. Travis Wyman. It’s yet another Sarracenia ‘Reptilian Rose’ hybrid. This one is  another clone of S. ‘Reptilian Rose’ x leucophylla “pale”.  There’s a few other photos of its siblings from an earlier post – (Reptile Crossing).

What strikes me about this particular seedling is that the lips are still staying green, even in strong light.  When the light hits the nectar roll at just the right angle, it also can also seem to have a slight blueish-green hue to it.   I hope that the angular features of the parent plant get more amplified as it matures on this particular plant.  A green angular peristome (nectar roll) would mos’ def be pretty awesome!

S. 'Reptilian Rose' x leucophylla "pale"[Sarracenia ‘Reptilian Rose’ x leucophylla “pale” – cross created by Dr. Travis Wyman]

A Young Moorei

Howdy y’all! So as I was thinning out some of the S. leucophylla x flava seedlings pots a few days ago, I stumbled across this one interestin’ lil’ fella.  This was from a batch of seeds that a buddy of mine sent in 2008.  Most definately, this is one of the kids that I’ll be watching in this group. This is the first juvenile pitcher showing these characteristics. The new pitchers that are coming up will be opening in a few days are exhibiting the same qualities – predominately white upper pitchers with nice green veins. Dude, you never really know what you’ll get with those lil’ seeds – and that’s part of what makes this breeding thing so fun! 🙂  Hope everyone has a good weekend!

Sarracenia leucophylla x flava

Sarracenia leucophylla x flava

Repottin' time

Sarracenia moorei: 2 year old seedlings[Photo: Sarracenia leucophylla x flava seedlings. 2 years old]

It was nice to have a day off today. Got a few things done, hung out with the family and — repotted!  Here’s a photo of some moorei seedlings that are in dire need of repotting!   Today took 3 batches of different crosses and shifted them into larger pots and some of the select seedlings were set aside in individual pots. With growing plants from seeds, it can get crowded really quick 🙂  In any event, it’s all good.

Here’s a photo of one of the seedlings I set aside. It’s a S. ‘Hummers Okee Classic’ x purpurea ssp. venosa. Yes, looks very swaniana-ish. (S. swaniana is a minor/purpurea cross.) Given the parentage, it’s something that I would expect it to look like. However, I gotta give it a couple years to really see what this plant can do.  As I sort through more seedlings, I’ll update you on things I find from the seedling pit. 🙂

Sarracenia 'Hummers Okee Classic' x purpurea ssp. venosa[Photo: Sarracenia ‘Hummer’s Okee Classic x purpurea ssp. venosa – a cross I did back in 2008]


Sarracenia Seed Pod

Originally uploaded by RCO911

The pod.

I took this photo of a Sarracenia seed pod last year (2009) and thought it would be fitting to share during this “beginning” of this blog. Contained in the pod are the little seeds of the beautiful tubular death leaves. Encapsulated in each seed is beauty. The Sarracenia’s beauty for me lies in both it’s aesthetic form and deadly function.

The pod is a milestone in hybridizing that I strive for. For me, this is where the perception and interpretations are made manifest. This is where the hypothesis begins to solidify.  In the pod are the seeds of vision that will be tried in period of cold stratification and then brought to life later in warmth and light.