S. (leucophylla “Purple Lips” x flava v. rubricorpora) x rosea – Chipola, FL
A new pitcher rises for this promising cross. I did this pollination on 24 April 2010. I hope this particular seedling can maintain it’s light waxy appearance as it ages.
S. (leucophylla “Purple Lips” x flava v. rubricorpora) x rosea – Chipola, FL
A new pitcher rises for this promising cross. I did this pollination on 24 April 2010. I hope this particular seedling can maintain it’s light waxy appearance as it ages.
Posted in Blog
Tagged 2010, Carnivorous Plant, Chipla, FL, flava, leucophylla, purple lips, rosea, rubricorpora, Sarracenia, seedling
More of Dr. Travis H. Wyman’s handiwork with S. ‘Reptilian Rose’. Here is only one of the few clones that I have grown out from seed of his cross. Dr. Wyman did this cross in 2008. This particular clone is making a beautiful comeback! It is also showing consistent irregular and chunky nectar roll character which is the thing that I love so much with S. ‘Reptilian Rose’. S. ‘Reptilian Rose’ is hands down one of my favorites and was created by the legendary Phil Faulisi. I hope to have some great updates on the rest of the siblings — especially next growing season. Quite a few of them have thrown up some great spring pitchers in the past. If you have some time, check out this past update on some of those siblings seedlings and other S. ‘Reptilian Rose’ crosses.
Sarracenia ‘Reptilian Rose’ x (flava v. rubricorpora x leucophylla)
Sarracenia ‘Reptilian Rose’ x (flava v. rubricorpora x leucophylla)
Posted in Blog
Tagged breeding, Carnivorous Plant, flava, leucophylla, Phil Faulisi, Pitcher Plant, Reptilian Rose, rubricorpora, Sarracenia, Travis, Wyman
Hi everyone. Just wanted to update you with a few quick photos from a couple different clones of S. minor var. okefenokeensis x “Green Monster.” This cross was a collaboration project between Jerry Addington, Mike Wang, and myself back in 2009. I describe it more in detail in this post. I really enjoy the little undulation in the pitcher lid while maintaining most of the minor var. okefenokeensis traits. I’ve already self pollinated this plant and so excited to see those seedlings emerge later this winter. Also have all these crazy notions in store for anthocyanin free breeding projects in the future. For now, enjoy a few of the photos from a couple different plants. And as always, THANK YOU Jerry and Mike!
Sarracenia minor var. okefenokeensis x “Green Monster”
Sarracenia minor var. okefenokeensis x “Green Monster”
Sarracenia minor var. okefenokeensis x “Green Monster”
Sarracenia minor var. okefenokeensis x “Green Monster”
Sarracenia minor var. okefenokeensis x “Green Monster”
Posted in Blog
Tagged anthocyanin free, giant, Green monster, minor, okefenokeensis, recessive, Sarracenia
Sarracenia ‘Reptilian Rose’ x ‘Adrian Slack’
Earlier in June I wrote an update about this cross I did between two very special plants in 2010 – Sarracenia ‘Reptilian Rose’ x ‘Adrian Slack‘. (Parents photographed in the first photo above.) The photos in that June post were kind of colorless as they were just moved to the brighter holding area. They began to color up there and things are starting to look better now.
Photographed above is only one of the FOUR survivors from that cross. Both young pitchers are a result of the autumn flush of growth. The pitcher on the right has a very subtle irregular and slightly angular flavor to the nectar roll. I’m hoping that the angles from S. ‘Reptilian Rose’ will express themselves even more so as this plant and it’s siblings mature. The others may express it more so, but I honestly can’t tell right now. Time will reveal all. The others don’t have much to show right now. They’re still looking like sorry floppy skinny looking things, but they’re serving a function by absorbing light, and saving the energy in the rhizome for next season’s growth. I hope to be able to see more defining characteristics from both parents next year.
This was one of those crosses I did back in 2009 where I was like, “Well, both plants are flowering so I guess I might as well cross ’em.” I didn’t really know what to expect but pollinated them anyway on a whim. The parent plants are photographed above to help visualise the gene mash up. Here’s a post in 2010 showing a “baby picture” of one of the plants. As noted in that previous post – there has been some question regarding the pod parent (S. rubra ssp. gulfensis “black”). There is some speculation that it is not a pure S. rubra ssp. gulfensis and could have some S. alata mixed into it. However, from what I am told – this particular form of S. rubra hails from the Yellow River area of Florida, and it is doubtful that S. alatas grow that far east. Whatever it is, it’s still pretty cool and I’m loving the dark purple/black shades.
Sarracenia rubra ssp. gulfensis “Black” x “Bug Bat”
This particular seedling above donned a purplish/black color, thanks to it’s mother’s genes. The father (or pollen parent) S. “Bug Bat” has a clear influence on the shape of the pitcher.
Sarracenia rubra ssp. gulfensis “Black” x “Bug Bat”
Another angle of one of the pitchers from the first photos. I enjoy the color of this clone. Really looking forward to what it will do next year.
Sarracenia rubra ssp. gulfensis “Black” x “Bug Bat”
Here’s another clone – not as dark. Not as purple. At least not yet. It also exhibits some of the faint areoles – another influence from S. “Bug Bat”. It currently has this slight orange tint on the hood. Ideally, I’d like that orange to stay as I don’t see it too often in the plants (and I am looking for orange plants to work with for SF Giants inspired plants) – but we’ll see what happens as it matures a bit more. It’s always fun watching the changes as these babies grow.
Posted in Blog
Tagged 2009 Cross, black, Bug Bat, Carnivorous Plant, gulfensis, hybrid, North American, Pitcher, Plant, rubra, Sarracenia
Sarracenia leucophylla “Purple Lips” – OP
Here’s another one of those little surprises that I chanced upon while cleaning and organizing the seedlings. This is an open pollinated youngin’ of unknown pollen parent lineage. A promising spawn of Sarracenia leucophylla “Purple Lips” throws up a new pitcher above the fray of the old and decrepit foliage.
Posted in Blog
Tagged American, carnivorous, hybrid, leucophylla, North, Open Pollinated, Pitcher, Plant, purple lips, Sarracenia, seedling, Unknown
Sarracenia flava “Widemouth” x
(leucophylla “Red” x minor var. okefenokeensis)
A cross I did back in 2009 that I germinated in 2010 now showing some “mouthy” character. The pod parent plant is a flava clone I got from Karen Oudean which she calls Sarracenia flava “Widemouth”. (Check out this prior post for a photo of S. flava “Widemouth” from earlier this year.) It has a larger that your average spout-for-a-mouth and I can kind of see some of that in the one seedling above. This was one of those “OMG, I almost forgot about this thing” discoveries I referenced earlier. I also wrote about one of the siblings here – but not even sure if that one I wrote about earlier was one of the survivors of the group. I kinda like this one. It looks to have a very slight bulge at the top of the pitcher. Only time will tell what it will really be like as it matures.
Posted in Blog
Tagged breeding, Carnivorous Plant, flava, hybrid, leucophylla, minor, North American Pitcher Plant, okefenokeensis, Red, Sarracenia, widemouth