Tag Archives: Sarracenia

Sarracenia “Orange Glow” x ‘Adrian Slack’

In 2009 I crossed S. moorei “Orange Glow” and S. ‘Adrian Slack’. Not sure exactly what I was expecting by crossing two moorei plants together, but I can say that breeding projects involving S. ‘Adrian Slack’ have yielded some fascinating (aaaaand… even *not* so fascinating) results. I’m somewhat partial to the select youngster in the photograph below for its delicate and faded pastel color scheme. Don’t let it fool you though. This plant is still a hungry cylindrical savage.

Sarracenia "Orange Glow" x 'Adrian Slack'
Sarracenia “Orange Glow” x ‘Adrian Slack’

Sarracenia "Orange Glow" x 'Adrian Slack'Sarracenia “Orange Glow” x ‘Adrian Slack’

Sarracenia flava “Cinnamon Tube”

Sarracenia flava "Cinnamon Tube"
Sarracenia flava “Cinnamon Tube”
A flava clone originating from Botanique
Parentage: S. flava var. rubricorpora x flava  var. cuprea

Sarracenia flava "Cinnamon Tube"Sarracenia flava “Cinnamon Tube”
A flava clone originating from Botanique
Parentage: S. flava var. rubricorpora x flava  var. cuprea

Sarracenia leucophylla – Franklin Co., FL

Here are some exceptional pitchers of S. leucophylla – Franklin Co., FL. These plants are actually S. leucophylla – Franklin Co., FL Clone A x B crossed by Wes Buckner. Can’t wait to witness the autumn pitchers!

Sarracenia leucophylla, Franklin Co
Sarracenia leucophylla – Franklin Co., FL
Clone A x B
Cross by Wes Buckner

Sarracenia leucophylla, Franklin CoSarracenia leucophylla – Franklin Co., FL
Clone A x B
Cross by Wes Buckner


Weekend Assortment

Hello! Here’s an assortment of pitcher goodness from around the greenhouse  to start your weekend off. Have a great weekend everyone!


Sarracenia leucophylla "Juju Lips" x flava "Widemouth"
Sarracenia leucophylla “Juju Lips” x flava “Widemouth”

Sarracenia "John Rizzi" x 'Judith Hindle'
Sarracenia “John Rizzi” x ‘Judith Hindle’

Nepenthes ventricosa x spectabilis
Nepethes ventricosa x spectabilis – about to open

Sarracenia purpurea "ruffles" x leucophylla pubescent
Sarracenia purpurea “ruffles” x leucophylla – pubescent
Cross by Jerry Addington 

Sarracenia 'Tapestry'
Sarracenia ‘Tapestry’

Nepenthes maxima Hybrid
Nepenthes hybrid

Sarracenia flava var. cuprea
Sarracenia flava var. cuprea

Sarracenia flava var. maxima
Sarracenia flava var. maxima

Nepenthes maxima hybridNepenthes hybrid

Sarracenia leucophylla "Purple Lips" x flava var. ornata
Sarracenia leucophylla “Purple Lips” x flava  var. ornata

Sarracenia "Red Viper"Sarracenia  “Red Viper”

Sarracenia oreophila x 'Royal Ruby'Sarracenia oreophila x ‘Royal Ruby’
Cross by Phil Faulisi

Sarracenia oreophilaSarracenia oreophila

Sarracenia 'Adrian Slack'Sarracenia ‘Adrian Slack’

The AF Quest Continues

My quest for more interesting AF (Anthocyanin Free) creations continues. Here is just one stop along the journey: Sarracenia (leucophylla “Purple Lips” x flava var. rubricorpora) x “Green Monster”. This was a cross I did back on  April 21, 2011. As I mentioned in this earlier post, it has that “hidden” anthocyanin free gene that I hope to unlock in subsequent crosses with other AF plants, or AF recessive plants.

S. leucophylla "Purple Lips" x flava var. rubricorpora x Green Monster

Sarracenia (leucophylla "Purple Lips" x flava var. rubricorpora) x "Green Monster"
Sarracenia (leucophylla “Purple Lips” x flava var. rubricorpora)
x “Green Monster”

Sarracenia (leucophylla "Purple Lips" x flava var. rubricorpora) x "Green Monster"
Sarracenia (leucophylla “Purple Lips” x flava var. rubricorpora)
x “Green Monster”

Sarracenia oreophila x ‘Adrian Slack’

Below are some various clones of S. oreophila x ‘Adrian Slack’, a cross I did back in 2009. The flower pod was harvested on 26 July 2009 and if I recall correctly, I was able to actually start these babies under lights in the late fall/winter of 2009. Note the variation in the photos below – some plants showing some incredible color and form. Other clones, eh – not so much.  Influences from both parents can be spotted among the youngsters. All of them still are pretty interesting and beautiful in their own way. Watching the plants evolve and grow always gives me a sense of self gratification and at the same time also leaves me hungry for more.


Sarracenia oreophila x 'Adrian Slack'
Sarracenia oreophila x ‘Adrian Slack’

Sarracenia oreophila x 'Adrian Slack'
Sarracenia oreophila x ‘Adrian Slack’

Sarracenia oreophila x 'Adrian Slack'
Sarracenia oreophila x ‘Adrian Slack’

Sarracenia oreophila x 'Adrian Slack'
Sarracenia oreophila x ‘Adrian Slack’

Sarracenia oreophila x 'Adrian Slack'
Sarracenia oreophila x ‘Adrian Slack’

Sarracenia oreophila x 'Adrian Slack'
Sarracenia oreophila x ‘Adrian Slack’

Sarracenia oreophila x 'Adrian Slack'
Sarracenia oreophila x ‘Adrian Slack’

Sarracenia oreophila x 'Adrian Slack'
Sarracenia oreophila x ‘Adrian Slack’

Sarracenia oreophila x 'Adrian Slack'
Sarracenia oreophila x ‘Adrian Slack’

Sarracenia oreophila x 'Adrian Slack'
Sarracenia oreophila x ‘Adrian Slack’

Veinless Purpureas

While I truly admire the brilliantly loud and showy colors of some plants, I also find the quiet elegance of the veinless ones equally just as impressive. They’re like lethal  porcelain vases. Here are a few veinless forms from the S. purpurea group.

Sarracenia purpurea ssp. purpurea - Fort Nelson, BC
Sarracenia purpurea ssp. purpurea – Veinless Form
Fort Nelson, British Columbia

Sarracenia purpurea - veinlessSarracenia purpurea – Veinless Form
This plant is a result of crossing two otherwise “regular” looking purpureas of unknown origin. Cross by Jerry Addington. These veinless plants were derived from his clones S. purpurea E x purpurea S1. This clone’s pitchers will fade to red later in the season.

Sarracenia purpurea - veinless
Sarracenia purpurea – Veinless Form
This plant is a result of crossing two otherwise “regular” looking purpureas of unknown origin. Cross by Jerry Addington. These veinless plants were derived from his clones S. purpurea E x purpurea S1. This clone appears to remain on the green side throughout the season. It’s a bit more ruffled compared to the clone above.

Sarracenia purpurea "Copper Glow"Sarracenia purpurea “Copper Glow”
As the season progresses, S. purpurea “Copper Glow” develops a rich copper tone to its pitchers. I will post a photo later in the year once the plant starts to emit that rich copper glow that it is named after. This plant originated from seed and was distributed at Hortus Botanicus in Ft. Bragg, CA before the store closed in January 2012.