Tag Archives: Sarracenia

An Ornata Cross

Here’s a rather lovely and sinister looking Sarracenia flava var. ornata cross that was done by none other than my Sarracenia-bro-dude, Mike Wang. I like how the pitcher tube is heavily brushed in a rich red. The dark network of veins run up through the hood accented by the gold backdrop on the lid adds a nice touch to this pitcher. Awesome work, Mike!

Sarracenia flava var. ornata x flava var. ornata "Black Veins" - Bulloch Co., GA Clone B
Sarracenia flava var. ornata x
flava var. ornata “Black Veins” – Bulloch Co., GA – Clone B
Cross by Mike Wang

Sarracenia flava var. ornata x flava var. ornata "Black Veins" - Bulloch Co., GA Clone B Sarracenia flava var. ornata x
flava var. ornata “Black Veins” – Bulloch Co., GA – Clone B
Cross by Mike Wang

Inverted Veined Moorei

Here’s an update on a beautiful and unique moorei cross by James Soe Nyun. (S. flava var maxima x leucophylla “Burgundy” is the cross.) It’s a little behind in development and coloration compared to this time last year, but the plant is still doing well. The red coloration is only now starting and it contrasts quite nicely with those green veins. It’s been noted that using select clones of S. flava var. maxima will yield this “inverted veins” effect. I did a couple crosses both last year and this year using a few S. flava var. maxima clones so we’ll see what comes out of it. In the meantime, enjoy a few shots of this fantastic moorei. Beautiful work, James!

Sarracenia flava var. maxima x leucophylla “Burgundy”
Sarracenia flava var. maxima x leucophylla “Burgundy”

Sarracenia flava var. maxima x leucophylla “Burgundy”
Sarracenia flava var. maxima x leucophylla “Burgundy”

Sarracenia flava var. maxima x leucophylla “Burgundy”
Sarracenia flava var. maxima x leucophylla “Burgundy”

Sarracenia flava var. maxima x leucophylla “Burgundy”Sarracenia flava var. maxima x leucophylla “Burgundy”

Lidless Freaks

Carnivorous plants are in a category of their own, and within this special syndicate of bizarre botanical badassery there are those plants that are, well… just plain freaks. I’m talking about some of these lidless ones. Some may even apply the adjective “fugly to these curiosities. But hey – to me, they’re beautiful in their own unconventional way. Keep it freaky.

Sarracenia flava var. ornata - lidless
Sarracenia flava var. ornata – lidless

Sarracenia flava var. rubricorpora - lidless
Sarracenia flava var. rubricorpora – lidless

Sarracenia leucophylla 'Bris'
Sarracenia leucophylla ‘Bris’

Sarracenia catesbaei x flava

Sarracenia catesbaei x flava
Sarracenia catesbaei x flava
Cross by Jerry Addington

The Crossing: AF Collab Project Continues

Awww yeah. The AF (Anthocyanin Free) collaboration project continues! Back in 2009 I crossed S. minor var. okefenokeensis with S. “Green Monster” – this was a collaboration was the brainchild of Jerry Addington which I was able to execute thanks to the homie, Mike Wang. (You can read about how that all came about here.)

Since then I’ve been able to cross the siblings, as well as self pollinate them. The main idea from 2009 was to create AF S. minor looking plants. I’m glad to report there are some AF seedlings that are coming out of the various crosses I’ve done using these plants. I can’t wait to see those pitchers as they develop!

Sarracenia pollinationPollination in progress: S. minor var. okefenokeensis x “Green Monster” is being pollinated with S. minor -AF pollen.

This year I was fortunate enough to have one of my AF S. minors bloom simultaneously with one of the S. minor var. okefenokeensis x “Green Monster” clones. I used the AF minor pollen and crossed that onto S. minor var. okefenokeensis x “Green Monster” – clone 2. In theory, this should yield a percentage of AF plants with heavy S. minor influence, since 3/4ths of the progeny will be S. minor. I’m hoping for some slight undulation in the hooded lid as well – which is derived from the S. leucophylla parentage in S. “Green Monster.” But then again, who knows what will come out of this cross!

Sarracenia minor var. okefenokeensis x "Green Monster" - Clone 2Pod Parent: S. minor var. okefenokeensis x “Green Monster”

Sarracenia minor - Anthocyanin FreePollen Parent: S. minor – Anthocyanin Free

Sarracenia minor - Anthocyanin Free
Pollen Parent – Another Angle:  S. minor – Anthocyanin Free

Sarracenia Rosea Blooms

Here’s a selection of blooms from earlier this season of the ever beautiful S. rosea. Depending who’s naming convention you’d like to roll with, you may know it as S. purpurea ssp. venosa var. burkii. I just like to type S. rosea because typing that other thing out is bound to give me carpal tunnel… yeah.


Sarracenia rosea "Big Mama"
S. rosea “Big Mama”

Sarracenia luteola-2Sarracenia purpurea subsp. venosa var. burkii f. luteola
S. rosea f. luteola – an anthocyanin free mutant

Sarracenia rosea veinless flower
S. rosea – veinless form – Bay Co. FL

Sarracenia flava – Anthocyanin Free

Here are some examples of AF (Anthocyanin Free, or all green) Sarracenia flava. Now, these are not to be confused with S. flava var. maxima, which still contains anthocyanin, and therefore S. flava var. maxima is not an AF plant. The red pigment in S. flava var. maxima can be visible in the grow points of the new pitchers that are forming, as well as on damaged portions of the plant (such as pitchers, phyllodia, and/or flower stalk.) The plants below are still young and unfortunately have not bloomed for me yet. Maybe next year? I have hopes to use them in future breeding projects and create new lines of AF flava. Fingers crossed!

Sarracenia flava AF - Telogia, Liberty Co. FL
Sarracenia flava AF – Telogia, Liberty Co. FL

Sarracenia flava AF - Telogia, Liberty Co. FL
Sarracenia flava AF – Telogia, Liberty Co. FL

Sarracenia flava AF - Colquitt Co. GA
Sarracenia flava AF – Colquitt Co. GA

Sarracenia flava AF - Colquitt Co. GA
Sarracenia flava AF – Colquitt Co. GA

Sarracenia flava - Shallotte, Brunswick Co., NC Sarracenia flava – Shallotte – Brunswick Co., NC