Tag Archives: Sarracenia Diane Whittaker

Sarracenia "Bug Bat" x "Diane Whittaker"

One of my first planned hybrids was created a couple years ago. When I was really started to get into this thing, a couple of friends of mine were kind enough to really ignite the Sarracenia obsession in me.  I received a division of Sarracenia “Bug Bat” from Wes Buckner, and a Sarracenia “Diane Whittaker” from Brooks Garcia. (Thanks guys!!) So a couple of years ago, they both bloomed for me — and you already know what I did with that… 😉

Photos below are of 3 different seedlings. Each has similarities and differences, but you can see both parent plants in the mix. 😉

This is in honor of two of the guys that got me addicted…
Sarracenia "Bug Bat" x "Diane Whittaker"
[Photo: Sarracenia “Bug Bat” x “Diane Whittaker”]

Sarracenia "Bug Bat" x "Diane Whittaker"
[Photo: Sarracenia “Bug Bat” x “Diane Whittaker”]

Sarracenia "Bug Bat" x "Diane Whittaker"
[Photo: Sarracenia “Bug Bat” x “Diane Whittaker”]