Tag Archives: Sarracenia Bug Bat

Sarracenia rubra ssp. gulfensis "black" x "Bug Bat"

Happy Friday! Happy weekend indeed! YEAH! So here’s another intriguing cross I did last year.  Again, the seedling is putting up some pitchers that are showing some character now. I was out in the yard the other morning and found this particular plant pretty durn interesting as the morning sun was hitting the pitchers.  It’s exhibiting the characteristic color of it’s S. rubra ssp. gulfensis “black” parent and the very interesting Sarracenia “Bug Bat”.

(Ok – side note for all you Sarracenia-heads: there has been some question regarding the pod parent – there is speculation that it is not a pure S. rubra ssp. gulfensis and could have some S. alata mixed into it.  However, from what I am told – this particular S. rubra hails from the Yellow River area of  Florida, and it is doubtful that S. alatas grow that far east.)

Sarracenia rubra "black" x "Bug Bat"[Sarracenia rubra ssp. gulfensis “Black” x “Bug Bat”]

Sarracenia "Bug Bat" x "Diane Whittaker"

One of my first planned hybrids was created a couple years ago. When I was really started to get into this thing, a couple of friends of mine were kind enough to really ignite the Sarracenia obsession in me.  I received a division of Sarracenia “Bug Bat” from Wes Buckner, and a Sarracenia “Diane Whittaker” from Brooks Garcia. (Thanks guys!!) So a couple of years ago, they both bloomed for me — and you already know what I did with that… 😉

Photos below are of 3 different seedlings. Each has similarities and differences, but you can see both parent plants in the mix. 😉

This is in honor of two of the guys that got me addicted…
Sarracenia "Bug Bat" x "Diane Whittaker"
[Photo: Sarracenia “Bug Bat” x “Diane Whittaker”]

Sarracenia "Bug Bat" x "Diane Whittaker"
[Photo: Sarracenia “Bug Bat” x “Diane Whittaker”]

Sarracenia "Bug Bat" x "Diane Whittaker"
[Photo: Sarracenia “Bug Bat” x “Diane Whittaker”]