Tag Archives: Saracenia Ares

Ares, unfolding…

Sarracenia "Ares" unfolding[Sarracenia “Ares”]

I’m standing somewhat at the threshold of my own “hybridization journey” since I’ve only recently started breeding a couple of years ago.  A lot of ideas have already taken root and put up those “seedling” pitchers.  Some plants are a couple years old and are showing a lot of promise as young juveniles.  And yet, some ideas are still locked away in seed pods waiting to be harvested.  This journey has just begun.  As I watch my own path open up before me,  I savor and enjoy the moment as it all unfolds before me.

Now, watching things unfold before you is pretty awesome.  Here’s Sarracenia “Ares” opening a brand spankin’ new pitcher!


Sarracenia “Ares” is a plant that was created by a very good friend who has motivated me much in this Sarracenia creation madness/obsession/addiction – Jerry Addington. (Jerry – Thank you!) Countless hybridization ideas have been bounced off each other, and hopefully soon you’ll be able to see some of those things take life! Be sure to check out Jerry’s website: http://courtingfrogs.com/