Tag Archives: Reptilian Rose Hybrid

Sarracenia ‘Reptilian Rose’ x (flava var. rubricorpora x leucophylla) – Clone 11

It’s fun watching these S. ‘Reptilian Rose’ hybrids mature. Some of the crosses have that angular peristome that have carried over from S. ‘Reptilian Rose’, while others don’t. Here’s one cross that was done by Dr. Travis H. Wyman between S. ‘Reptilian Rose’ and (flava var. rubricorpora x leucophylla). To keep track of them, I numbered the plants out of each cross. The one below is number 11. It kinda reminds me of a stop sign or octagon when viewed from the top.

Sarracenia 'Reptilian Rose' x (flava var. rubricorpora x leucophylla) clone 11Sarracenia ‘Reptilian Rose’ x (flava var. rubricorpora x leucophylla) – Clone 11
Cross by Dr. Travis H. Wyman

Sarracenia 'Reptilian Rose' x (flava var. rubricorpora x leucophylla) clone 11
Sarracenia ‘Reptilian Rose’ x (flava var. rubricorpora x leucophylla) – Clone 11
Cross by Dr. Travis H. Wyman