Tag Archives: repot

Project: Clean Up

Greetings to all of you wonderful people out there! Things in the Asylum are moving along quite quickly. I did manage to repot and clean up a majority of the adult plants this year. That was an ominous undertaking but glad to report that was completed. Because of this, I did not work on too many crosses this year. Honestly around 10-15 or so crosses is all I did as my efforts were concentrated on cleaning up. One ongoing project I an working on this year is simply cleaning and repotting the juvenile plants.

Here’s a few shots of the various tables. Yeah, they are a friggin’ mess. I know. Not everything is pretty in The Asylum. In this mess, however,  there are a few neat little gems to be found.

Sarracenia Seedlings

Sarracenia Seedlings

Sarracenia Seedlings

Seedling mess

Cleaning up seedlingsA few of the juveniles freshly potted up!

WatertableThe table that is slowly filling up back to front with the the new babies. There is a lot to look forward to in the coming seasons!

Cephalotus, Uprooted

I’m still going deep into the transplanting and dividing project…  Man, it’s seemingly endless but I’m just taking it one plant at a time, and enjoying it!

Anyway, I snapped this quick photo of Cephalotus follicularis – a pitcher plant from Australia!  Photo taken right before I divided it up and put off into little pots.

Isn’t it adorable? 

Cephalotus, uprootedCephalotus follicularis, uprooted

Hopeful Abandoned Hope

Abandoned HopeSarracenia ‘Abandoned Hope’ – With a hopeful flower bud.

Busy day today in the greenhouse. I’m still doing a lot of repotting. HELLA repotting.  Couldn’t help but take a quick snapshot of S. ‘Abandoned Hope’ as I was getting ready to repot it. Just pulled it out of the pot and started to take some of the old media off… I fear that my repotting is starting to run a little behind as a lot of the plants are throwin’ up buds already.  I am tryin’ to get to them all before they really start to explode into growth.

I have some high hopes for that bud and the hybrids that could possibly come from it! I’m quite hopeful for some interesting stuff, that’s for sure.

By the way — yes, I am wearing some disposable nitrile gloves.  It is very true that I do like to get duh-duh-duh-DIRTY – but it is also very important to have good hygiene while working with potting media. It’s no fun to get stuff like this.   OK, so I don’t always wear gloves but am always sure to wash hands after working. I’m also careful to address any cuts/wounds that happen while working with plants/media.

I’m Repottin’ in the Rain

Sup y”all – It’s been raining.  And even if it’s raining I’ll grab some rain gear, my umbrella-ella-ella-ay-ay-ay and get out there and pot up. Rain. It’s good for the plants. (It just means I don’t have to water… heh heh heh…) Hope everyone is having a good weekend so far! 🙂


Just a few shots from my repotting ventures yesterday. The plants may not look like much right now, but they have potential written all over them.

[Sarracenia courtii x ‘Adrian Slack’]

[Sarracenia “Green Monster” F2 – yeah, I self pollinated one last year, and the offspring so far appear as if they’ll be similar to the parent]

[Sarracenia moorei “Orange Glow” x ‘Adrian Slack’  – this one seedling is exhibiting some promising color. We’ll have to wait and see what it brings in a few years…]

[Sarracenia “Green Monster” F2’s spread out]

[Sarracenia courtii x ‘Adrian Slack’ with some breathing room]

[Sarracenia moorei “Orange Glow” x ‘Adrian Slack’, now with growing room!]

Repottin' time

Sarracenia moorei: 2 year old seedlings[Photo: Sarracenia leucophylla x flava seedlings. 2 years old]

It was nice to have a day off today. Got a few things done, hung out with the family and — repotted!  Here’s a photo of some moorei seedlings that are in dire need of repotting!   Today took 3 batches of different crosses and shifted them into larger pots and some of the select seedlings were set aside in individual pots. With growing plants from seeds, it can get crowded really quick 🙂  In any event, it’s all good.

Here’s a photo of one of the seedlings I set aside. It’s a S. ‘Hummers Okee Classic’ x purpurea ssp. venosa. Yes, looks very swaniana-ish. (S. swaniana is a minor/purpurea cross.) Given the parentage, it’s something that I would expect it to look like. However, I gotta give it a couple years to really see what this plant can do.  As I sort through more seedlings, I’ll update you on things I find from the seedling pit. 🙂

Sarracenia 'Hummers Okee Classic' x purpurea ssp. venosa[Photo: Sarracenia ‘Hummer’s Okee Classic x purpurea ssp. venosa – a cross I did back in 2008]