Tag Archives: purpurea ssp. venosa


Sarracenia 'Reptilian Rose' x purpurea "Big Mama"-1Sarracenia ‘Reptilian Rose’ x rosea “Big Mama” – the sole survivor.

-Meet The Parents-

Sarracenia 'Reptilian Rose'  Sarracenia rosea "Big Mama"
Left: S. ‘Reptilian Rose’  |  Right: S. rosea “Big Mama”

In 2011 I did a cross between Sarracenia ‘Reptilian Rose’ and Sarracenia rosea “Big Mama” – (parents photographed above). I only got about 10-15 seeds from this cross and was eventually left with with only ONE survivor (in the photograph). As a side note – the pod was ripe earlier than most other crosses. I knew it was ready because the pod cracked open and I saw a couple of seeds sprouting INSIDE the pod! Yes, it happens. I have no idea why, but it does from time to time. This is why this particular seedling looks a few months older than the others that I started later in the year. I took those 2 or 3 that sprouted early and planted them in a separate pot letting them do their thang, while taking the rest into cold stratification to be sown later. Those that sprouted early were doing OK. Really. They were. But because of the crappy conditions and moving that I recently had to go through — all but one survived. And as far as those other seeds? Welllll… those never sprouted, so I tossed that pot. Ehhhh, shit happens.

S. ‘Reptilian Rose’ was used as the pod parent, and I hope that it can exert a strong influence on this seedling. My luck with using S. ‘Reptilian Rose’ as a pod parent in hybrids hasn’t been very good. I get no pollen at all! And when using the plant as the pod parent, I typically get only a few seeds (10-20) and as with any set of seed, not all those seeds may make it to germination. (UGH DAYMN!! WTF!!) Things don’t always work out the way we want them to in breeding or in the garden — or even in life for that matter. We just roll with it and make the best of what we’re dealt.

When I did this cross, I was aiming for a maniacal looking Sarracenia catesbaei-ish type looking hybrid with that angular nectar roll characteristic of S. ‘Reptilian Rose’ and a large wing (or “ala”) from S. rosea “Big Mama”. I am hoping also that the sheer rotund-ness from S. “Big Mama” will be seen in this cross as well. The plant currently is too young to be able to see any characteristics, but I’ll update y’all again later once something note-worthy happens. I’ll link back to this post in the future once this baby grows up a bit.

Hopefully, I have the opportunity to re-make the cross again in the future.

2012: Opening Day

The first two pitchers of 2012 have inflated and opened up! (Although, I’m still waiting for the 2012 opening day of the SF Giants… but anyway, that’s beside the point…) The below pitchers opened up sometime last week – I haven’t been to the greenhouse to be able be there as they cracked open, but these two were the first to do their thing.  It’s just a couple pitchers for now, but the deluge of pitchers (and SF Giant’s pitchers…) to soon follow! Bring it on!!!

Sarracenia (leucophylla x oreophila) Oudean Clone x purpurea ssp. venosa

Sarracenia ‘Nadine’

Surprise: S. (leucophylla x oreophila) Karen Oudean Clone x purpurea ssp. venosa

As I go thorough each bench and tray, it’s kind of cool finding things that I forgot about. It’s as if surprises await me as I go through and do my trimming duties.  The other day I was trimming through trays and found a cross I did a few years ago.  This is S. (leucophylla x oreophila), Karen Oudean Clone x purpurea ssp. venosa.

Sarracenia (leucophylla x oreophila) Karen Oudean Clone x purpurea ssp. venosa

It’s been a while since I’ve seen some of these seedlings, but was pleasantly surprised to see how some were turning out.  Most of the pitchers were already going crisp but the horizontal line in the throat was a consistent feature in the other pitchers of this plant. A nice surprise to find, and I am really looking forward to seeing how this plant will be at full maturity. The rhizome is looking a bit swollen, so I hope that I can get some flowers when it comes time…

Oh boy, can’t wait to see what other surprises await me in the trimming fray!