Tag Archives: psittacina

Awww Psitt!!

So, as I am organizing and putting plants together by their species in the new grow areas, I found one interesting form of S. psittacina, or psitt (pronounced like “sit”), that I forgot I had.   I find the S. psittacina species pretty interesting as they are unlike their other Sarracenia counterparts — the psitt species have a bulbous globular shaped head where other Sarracenia exhibit the trumpet/tuba/french horn appearance.

Eh, anyways — what I like about this particular S. pisttacina I recently uncovered from the jumbled mess is the large semi-half-circular wing-ridge it has (called an ala).  They are an interesting species for sure and I’m finding that I am appreciating psitts a little more these days! As with other Sarracenia, there’s a lot of variation within the species!  I hope to ramp up in my ps(h)itty psitt department in the coming growing seasons.

Anyway… check out this piece of psitt…

Sarracenia psittacina – Allanton – Bay County, FL

Sarracenia psittacina – Allanton – Bay County, FL

Golf with Judith

About 3 or 4 years ago, fellow Sarraceniaphile Brooks Garcia sent me some seeds from a cross he did with S. psittacina “Golfballensis” and S. ‘Judith Hindle’.  It’s holding the pitchers quite nicely even for being grown outdoors all year round last year.  I know that it can and will get more colorful if grown in stronger direct light.  Last year it got shaded over at times throughout the day because of the deck I had it close to but as you can see, it still grew to be a fairly robust plant with nice blushes of color. Sweet!

Sarracenia psittacina “Golfballensis” x ‘Judith Hindle’


At work we will soon be doing a system upgrade to Windows 7…  I’m not quite too sure what to think of it as I’ve never been on 7.   Oh well, like I really have a choice, right? From what I hear it’s pretty cool.

Anyway, there are some plants that utilize the windows system (for trapping) as well – fascinating stuff!  The areoles (or windows, light patches) provide a false sense of escape for the prey.  After entering the pitcher, the victim thinks it can escape  it’s doom by flying or climbing towards the light.  Frantic – it tries to break free… only to be exausted by it’s futile efforts and eventually succumbs to the plant’s power.  Ah shizznit bro, alt+control+delete won’t save it from this windows system.  So after work yesterday, I was just hangin’ out in the garden and decided to take a few photos of some of the plants that employ the windows system.  Enjoy!


 Sarracenia minor var. okefenokeensis
Sarracenia minor var. okefenokeensis

Sarracenia psittacina "golfballensis" x 'Judith Hindle'
Sarracenia psittacina “Golfballensis” x ‘Judith Hindle’
A cross by Brooks Garcia that I grew out from seed.

Sarracenia psittacina x minor
Sarracenia psittacina x minor

Sarracenia minor var. okefenokeensis hybrid
Sarracenia minor var. okefenokeensis hybrid
Cross by Brooks Garcia I grew out from seed.

Sarracenia minor var. okefenokeensis hybrid
Sarracenia minor var. okefenokeensis hybrid
Cross by Brooks Garcia I grew out from seed.

Sarracenia minor var. okefenokeensis hybrid
Sarracenia minor var. okefenokeensis hybrid
Cross by Brooks Garcia I grew out from seed.

Sarracenia minor var. okefenokeensis x 'Golden-Red Jubilee'
Sarracenia minor var. okefenokeensis x ‘Golden-Red Jubilee’
Cross by Brooks Garcia I grew out from seed.

Sarracenia minor var. okefenokeensis x "Green Monster"
Sarracenia minor var. okefenokeensis x “Green Monster”
A collaboration hybrid I did with Miggity-Money Mizzike Wang.
My S. “Green Monster” was flowering that year and Mike was rad enough to lend me a flowering S. minor var. okefenokeensis. The seedlings from this cross are AF recessive and I am looking to use them as a base for further AF hybrids.

Sarracenia psittacina AF clone
Sarracenia psittacina, AF (Anthocyanin Free) clone

Darlingtonia californicaDarlingtonia californica
OK, this isn’t a Sarracenia, however it’s a damn fine California native carnivore that uses the windows system.  Dotted all throughout it’s Epcot center like hood, you can find the windows that provide that false sense of escape.
Freekin’ awesome, yo.


Today a co-worker of mine was telling me about some news story she heard about with a UFO sighting in Mongolia… or somfin’ like that… (I guess the story was like… from today, and news clips could be found on places like this…)

But anyway, the whole UFO/alien thing reminded me of one of the plants growin’ out here that I think showed up after UFO’s invaded my grow area or something.  One of the alien dudes were left behind. So I potted it up… Some lime green weird looking Sarracenia-iod-ish type plant from the planet Triffid. Or something…

Actually, it’s just a Sarracenia flava x psittacina. Heh heh. But still, looks pretty durn funny to me – like it just walked out of a space ship or something. 🙂

flavaxpsit1[Sarracenia flava x psittacina – Take me to your leader!]

flavaxpsit2[Sarracenia flava x psittacina]