Tag Archives: Powhatan

Flava Fun!

Just a few Sarracenia flavas, for fun. Enjoy!

Flava FrayThe flava section

Sarracenia flava 'Waccamaw'Sarracenia flava ‘Waccamaw’

Sarracenia flava "Powhatan"
Sarracenia flava “Powhatan”

Sarracenia flava var. autropurpureaSarracenia flava var. autropurpurea

Sarracenia flava var. rubricorporaSarracenia flava var. rubricorpora

Sarracenia flava "Killer"
Sarracenia flava “Killer”

Sarracenia flava var. ornata - Giant CloneSarracenia flava var. ornata – tall clone

Sarracenia "Extreme Red Throat"
Sarracenia flava “Extreme Red Throat” – a seed grown plant from Mike Wang, similar markings to S. flava “Killer.”

Sarracenia flava var. rubricorpora - lidless
Sarracenia flava var. rubricorpora “lidless”

Sarracenia flava var. ornata - lidlessSarracenia flava var. ornata “lidless”


Awww yeah! Signs of life are appearing everywhere! The transition from the cool winter to warmer days has begun. Flower buds are a most welcome sight; the creative juices get flowing at the possibility of some great crosses. Here are a few spherical beauties getting ready to explode into those magnificent blooms that I so look forward to seeing each year.

Sarracenia moorei "Brooks Hybrid"
Sarracenia moorei “Brooks Hybrid” – the first flower to crack open for 2014!

Sarracenia flava "Powhatan"
Sarracenia flava “Powhatan”

Sarracenia flava "Powhatan"
Sarracenia flava “Powhatan”

Sarracenia flava var. rugelii
Sarracenia flava var. rugelii

Sarracenia oreophila
Sarracenia oreophila

Sarracenia 'Black Widow'
Sarracenia ‘Black Widow’

Sarracenia purpurea ssp venosa red black-1
*Ahem* Grow a pair…
Sarracenia purpurea ssp. venosa black/red

Sarracenia (leucophylla x flava) x leucophylla
Sarracenia rosea – veinless form

Sarrcenia "Smurf"
Sarracenia purpurea “Smurf” – I wonder if it will have 6 petals again this year?

Sarracenia hybrid
Sarracenia hybrid by Jerry Addington

Sarracenia "Green Dragon"
Sarracenia “Green Dragon”

Sarracenia (leucophylla x flava) x leucophyllaSarracenia (leucophylla x flava) x leucophylla

Morning Mayhem

Mornings. Oh, what better way to start the day than with plants?! Here’s a few photos from the other morning for your viewing enjoyment. Enjoy!


Greenhouse Morning

Greenhouse MorningSarracenia youngsters.

Sarracenia flava var. ornata - Bulloch Co., GASarracenia flava var. ornata “Black Veins”- Bulloch Co, GA
Those veins will get very dark as the season progresses.

Sarracenia alata - veinlessSarracenia alata – veinless form

Sarracenia 'Abandoned Hope'Sarracenia ‘Abandoned Hope’

Sarracenia readii x moorei selectSarracenia readii x moorei – Select Clone
Cross by Phil Faulisi

Sarracenia seedling tableSarracenia seedlings 

S. 'Alucard' - "Prince of Darkness"Sarracenia ‘Alucard’ – “Prince of Darkness”
A select form of S. ‘Alucard’, created by Phil Faulisi
This select clone gets pretty big. I’ve seen them get over 36″!
This trap is close to 33″ (I know… I busted the yard stick.)

Sarracenia "Yellow Jacket"Sarracenia “Yellow Jacket”

Sarracenia "Legacy"Sarracenia “Legacy”

Sarracenia 'Reptilian Rose'Sarracenia ‘Reptilian Rose’

Sarracenia flava "Powhatan"Sarracenia flava “Powhatan” starting to color up.

Sarracenia 'Adrian Slack'
Sarracenia ‘Adrian Slack’

Sarracenia flava “Powhatan”

Sarracenia flava "Powhatan"
Sarracenia flava “Powhatan”

Sarracenia flava "Powhatan"Sarracenia flava “Powhatan”

Recently acquired early this year, S. flava “Powhatan” is finally showing some promising form and color. It’s not as solid deep red as I would like – at least not just yet; given it’s current state and all it has been through, that is understandable. Along with the other plants, it has suffered quite a bit for most of  this year due to the low light levels it had to endure. It’s very promising seeing this plant finally showing some color at this point and put out a healthy pitcher. I also attempted to seed it with pollen from S. ‘Adrian Slack’ but that proved to be unwise the first year. No seeds, and flowering probably ended up draining the plant of energy that it needed. Oh well, you know the mantra: “There’s always next year.”  Still, it’s rather nice Sarracenia to have around. My fingers are crossed for a brilliant seasons ahead with this clone.

About S. flava “Powhatan” from Meadowview Biological Research Station:
This bold, solid clone reflects the power and pride of chief Powhatan. The flower is yellow, typical of normal yellow pitcher plant. The red color of the foliage is best developed under intense, sunny conditions. Powhatan was the ruler of the Algonquin tribe that occupied central Virginia when the colonists arrived in 1607.