Tag Archives: photos

Shooting Around

Just a few random shots from around the ‘house… enjoy!


S. oreophila x 'Adrian Slack'Sarracenia oreophila x ‘Adrian Slack’

Nepenthes JambanNepenthes jamban

Darlingtonia californiaDarlingtonia californica peeking out over the edge

Pinguicula "John Rizzi"Pinguicula “John Rizzi” in bloom

S. (oreophila x 'Royal Ruby') x 'Adrian Slack'S. (oreophila x ‘Royal Ruby’) x ‘Adrian Slack’ – young pitcher of a cross I did a couple of years ago. I believe that this is a pitcher that was sent up a bit later last season.

S. [(oreophila x minor) x (purpurea x rubra) x leucophylla] x "Green Frog"S. [(oreophila x minor) x (purpurea x rubra) x leucophylla] x “Green Frog”
This is a complex hybrid I did a few years ago. It’s the first time I’ve actually seen some characteristics from this baby.

S. psittacinaSarracenia psittacina
This is a large clone from Jerry Addington. It is still dormant and was recently repotted. It does not look like much now, but hoping it throws out some beast-mode behemoth foliage once it wakes from dormancy.

Sarracena rosea "Big Mama"Sarracenia rosea “Big Mama”
It’s currently dormant and recently repotted. Just like the S. psittacina above, I am hoping it throws out some beast-mode behemoth foliage once it wakes.

Sarracenia venosa, AF CloneSarracenia venosa, anthocyanin free clone

Shootin’ Around

It was one of those lazy Sundays today. It was raining on and off and that just added to my desire to do nothing but veg today. I took the camera out to the yard and just shot around. Here’s a few photos from my lazy day — not all Sarracenia, not all carnivorous…

[After the rain, the view from my deck.]

[Nepenthes spectabilis]

[Dionaea muscipula, starting to flower.]

[Drosera binata ‘Marston Dragon’]

[Sarracenia rubra ssp gulfensis “Black” x “Bug Bat”]

[Nepenthes jamban, fresh pitcher]


[Drosophyllum lusitanicum and moth hangnin’ around.]

[Sarracenia leucophylla ‘Tarnok’]

[Sarracenia ‘Reptilian Rose’ x (flava “Red” x leucophylla), old pitcher]

[Sarracenia flava var. ornata, Bulloch Co., GA]

[Sarracenia purpurea ssp. venosa var. burkii]