Tag Archives: Phil

Sarracenia ‘Saurus’

Sarracenia ‘Saurus’

The mighty and monstrous Sarracenia ‘Saurus’ – adjusting quite well to the PNW. Cross by Phil Faulisi. For more info, see the official cultivar description here.

Carnivorous Weekend – 2 of 2: Garden of Faulisi

Carnivorous collection hopping weekend – part 2 of 2.

After visiting Mike’s garden filled with blinding leucos, we drove down to meet our buddy Calen over at Phil’s spot. That is right – the grand finale in last week’s serendipitous Sarracenia soiree takes us to the garden of Faulisi. Phil Faulisi. The man. The legend. Oh boy, and the plants? All I could say about that awesomeness was THIS. Click that link. Then play after every photo.

Phil – thanks so much as always for your hospitality. Always a pleasure to hang out and nerd out over plants!


Full screen slideshow with ALL the photos from the marvelous day – over here.


Sarracenias of Faulisi - 27 Sep 2015

Sarracenia “Megamouth”

Sarracenias of Faulisi - 27 Sep 2015

Sarracenias of Faulisi - 27 Sep 2015

Phil and his GIANT minor.

Sarracenias of Faulisi - 27 Sep 2015

Quick! Everyone touch the flava!

Sarracenias of Faulisi - 27 Sep 2015

Sarracenias of Faulisi - 27 Sep 2015

Sarracenias of Faulisi - 27 Sep 2015

Here’s the Dir-tay Mon-kay. Named after Truh-ay-ay. Haaaaaay.

Sarracenias of Faulisi - 27 Sep 2015

A sibling to Sarracenia “Megamouth” not as large but what a beauty.

Sarracenias of Faulisi - 27 Sep 2015

Wow. This this is so badass.

Sarracenias of Faulisi - 27 Sep 2015

Easily able to swallow an iPhone.

Sarracenias of Faulisi - 27 Sep 2015

No comment.

Sarracenias of Faulisi - 27 Sep 2015

Sarracenia “Stubbs” looking quite nice this time of year.

Sarracenias of Faulisi - 27 Sep 2015

Sarracenia ‘Stingray’

Sarracenias of Faulisi - 27 Sep 2015

Livin’ on the edge. Not for long though.

Sarracenias of Faulisi - 27 Sep 2015


Sarracenias of Faulisi - 27 Sep 2015

Trap Life.

Sarracenias of Faulisi - 27 Sep 2015

I think it ate a bird.

Sarracenias of Faulisi - 27 Sep 2015

Dried pitchers of the mighty Sarracenia “Saurus” still towering over the rest of the plants.

Sarracenias of Faulisi - 27 Sep 2015

A pitcher in the midst of phyllodia.

Sarracenias of Faulisi - 27 Sep 2015

A beautiful Jerry Addington hybrid that’s doing excellent here!

Sarracenias of Faulisi - 27 Sep 2015

Mmm… Hawt lips. Sarracenia “Hot Lips” that is.

Sarracenias of Faulisi - 27 Sep 2015

Straight up bling!

Sarracenias of Faulisi - 27 Sep 2015

I really enjoy all the windows. It almost reminds me of a stained glass cathedral… of insect death.

Sarracenias of Faulisi - 27 Sep 2015

Simply amazing!

Sarracenias of Faulisi - 27 Sep 2015

Just elegant.

Sarracenias of Faulisi - 27 Sep 2015

Sarracenias of Faulisi - 27 Sep 2015

Dude. These pitchers are as wide as your face.

Sarracenias of Faulisi - 27 Sep 2015

A really nice squat and chunky looking pitcher.

Sarracenias of Faulisi - 27 Sep 2015

Sarracenias of Faulisi - 27 Sep 2015

Sarracenias of Faulisi - 27 Sep 2015

Sarracenias of Faulisi - 27 Sep 2015

This mantis devoured the fly with a quickness.

Sarracenias of Faulisi - 27 Sep 2015

Phil’s new BFF.

Sarracenias of Faulisi - 27 Sep 2015

This is one amazing S. mitchelliana.

Sarracenias of Faulisi - 27 Sep 2015

WTF is this thing?! A stick insect?!?! What?!

Sarracenias of Faulisi - 27 Sep 2015

Sarracenia ‘Adrian Slack’

Sarracenias of Faulisi - 27 Sep 2015

Sarracenia ‘Hummer’s Okee Classic’ – with future meal.

Sarracenias of Faulisi - 27 Sep 2015

Sarracenia ‘Royal Ruby’

Sarracenias of Faulisi - 27 Sep 2015

Calen and the “pretty (Mega)mouf.”

Sarracenias of Faulisi - 27 Sep 2015


Sarracenias of Faulisi - 27 Sep 2015

Squad + Sarracenia.

Sarracenias of Faulisi - 27 Sep 2015

Squad after getting high off of Sarracenia. We cray.


Collection Surfing: Day 3 of 3

The final installment of this trilogy of vignettes takes to the wonderful garden of Martinez. Drew’s collection is beautiful madness, and his space usage (especially in the Nepenthes houses) is very efficient. As an added bonus, the great Sarracenia artist himself, the legend — Phil Faulisi accompanied us on this visit to Drew’s place too! We had a great day simply immersing ourself in botanical bliss. This was one memorable weekend filled with carnivorous plant wonder. I seriously could use more weekends like this.

Drew and Selina, thank you so much for hosting us. Really appreciate you taking time out of your day to give us a tour of your amazing collection! You both are awesome.


Carnivorous Garden of Drew Martinez – View in fullscreen


Carnivorous Plant Collection Surfing - 12 Apr 2015Pitcher plant powwow.

Carnivorous Plant Collection Surfing - 12 Apr 2015A plethora of Sarracenia flowers.

Carnivorous Plant Collection Surfing - 12 Apr 2015
In that company of Sarracenia flowers, a couple gems stood out. This S. purpurea ssp. venosa var. burkii f. luteola immediately caught my eye. Not just because it was anthocyanin free, but check the flowers out. It’s missing the umbrella shaped style! (See this as a reference of Sarracenia flower parts.) So weird! All the flowers on it were this way. After I pointed it out, Drew called it “Freakshow.” So cool. I love them freaks! This plant originated from a batch of seed grown plants from Chris Gussman. (Great work, Chris!) I recognized the shape and knew straight away it was from Chris since I have one too. 🙂 Mine hasn’t bloomed yet so not sure if this trait is also expressed in the siblings.

Carnivorous Plant Collection Surfing - 12 Apr 2015Here’s a shot of one of the flowers from that strange luteola…

Carnivorous Plant Collection Surfing - 12 Apr 2015…and of the other flower. If you see past the petals, there’s no umbrella! Go home, Sarracenia. You are drunk.

Carnivorous Plant Collection Surfing - 12 Apr 2015Another flower that caught my eye after the strange luteola flower. This is S. lamentations x leucophylla. Notice anything funny about this one? Check the sepals out! (Again, here’s the Sarracenia flower reference photo.) Typically Sarracenia sepals are separated into 5 distinct sepals. This plant has only one fused / continuous sepal. It was consistent on all of the flowers too!

Carnivorous Plant Collection Surfing - 12 Apr 2015An ever-so efficient use of space. It’s packed in here!

Carnivorous Plant Collection Surfing - 12 Apr 2015

Carnivorous Plant Collection Surfing - 12 Apr 2015

Carnivorous Plant Collection Surfing - 12 Apr 2015

Carnivorous Plant Collection Surfing - 12 Apr 2015

Carnivorous Plant Collection Surfing - 12 Apr 2015Phil freaks out over this beautiful N. robcantleyi!

Carnivorous Plant Collection Surfing - 12 Apr 2015

Carnivorous Plant Collection Surfing - 12 Apr 2015

Carnivorous Plant Collection Surfing - 12 Apr 2015

Carnivorous Plant Collection Surfing - 12 Apr 2015

Carnivorous Plant Collection Surfing - 12 Apr 2015

Carnivorous Plant Collection Surfing - 12 Apr 2015

Carnivorous Plant Collection Surfing - 12 Apr 2015

Carnivorous Plant Collection Surfing - 12 Apr 2015WOW. Just… wow.

Carnivorous Plant Collection Surfing - 12 Apr 2015

Carnivorous Plant Collection Surfing - 12 Apr 2015

Collection Surfing: Day 1 of 3

Hey everyone out there in the interwebs! Hope you’ve been well! Miss you all. It’s been a couple weeks since my last update, but oh boy… do I have some updates coming up. Thanks for being patient with me and thank you for still checking in on my blog. You’re awesome.

So last week my brotha’ from another mutha’ – Kinjie Coe, came down to visit for the weekend. For those of you who don’t know, Kinjie hails from Portland, OR and is an absolutely friquin’ brilliant carnivorous plant grower. We had a marvelous time connecting and spending time with local growers. (Allison and Siri, thank you for letting Kinjie visit and get his super-carnivorous-plant-nerd-out on with the rest of us!)

I’ll be posting a few snapshots from each day of his visit in the upcoming blog posts. I’ve actually never had *this much* carnivorous plant collection surfing crammed into one weekend. Yeah. It was glorious.

Day one – Friday 10 Apr 2015. We cruised on over to visit the legend – Phil Faulisi. Phil needs no introduction and he is one badass breeder and grower. Phil – thank you so much for everything bro. Always good to kick it with you and many thanks for your hospitality and generosity. (BACON!)

Without further ado – slideshow photos from the master’s garden as well as a few photos in the highlight reel below!


View full screen slideshow here!

CP Collection Surfing - Phil Faulisi - 10 Apr 2015Plant life. Ain’t nothin’ but a G(ardener) thang.

CP Collection Surfing - Phil Faulisi - 10 Apr 2015Tools of the artist.

Collection Surfing - Phil Faulisi - 10 Apr 2015-97

CP Collection Surfing - Phil Faulisi - 10 Apr 2015

CP Collection Surfing - Phil Faulisi - 10 Apr 2015

CP Collection Surfing - Phil Faulisi - 10 Apr 2015

CP Collection Surfing - Phil Faulisi - 10 Apr 2015

CP Collection Surfing - Phil Faulisi - 10 Apr 2015

CP Collection Surfing - Phil Faulisi - 10 Apr 2015

CP Collection Surfing - Phil Faulisi - 10 Apr 2015

CP Collection Surfing - Phil Faulisi - 10 Apr 2015

CP Collection Surfing - Phil Faulisi - 10 Apr 2015The beast. Sarracenia “Saurus”

CP Collection Surfing - Phil Faulisi - 10 Apr 2015

CP Collection Surfing - Phil Faulisi - 10 Apr 2015

CP Collection Surfing - Phil Faulisi - 10 Apr 2015

CP Collection Surfing - Phil Faulisi - 10 Apr 2015

CP Collection Surfing - Phil Faulisi - 10 Apr 2015Whatta bunch ah crazies all up in this joint. We be getting that Sarracenia high.

A Visit to Phil’s

This past weekend I had a chance to hang with one of the great growers that has been such an inspiration to me – the legend: Phil Faulisi. His plants never cease to amaze!  Enjoy a few highlight photos and the slideshow below, or view the slideshow in fullscreen here! (Phil – thanks again for everything!)


A visit to Phil’s Sarracenia Wonderland! 14 Sep 2014
(Also note, you can use your arrow keys to go back and forth… )

Phil Faulisi - 14 Sep 2014

Phil Faulisi - 14 Sep 2014

Phil Faulisi - 14 Sep 2014

Phil Faulisi - 14 Sep 2014

Phil Faulisi - 14 Sep 2014

Phil Faulisi - 14 Sep 2014

Phil Faulisi - 14 Sep 2014

Don and Phil Visit

I recently had my good friends Don Elkins of Mesa Exotics and Phil Faulisi over. They are both phenomenal growers that share this mad Sarracenia passion with me. Although the collection is starting to look pretty crappy at the moment (yeah, it’s that time of year, please pardon the crispy foliage), it was still pretty great geeking out over plants… and bacon ice cream with these guys. 🙂


Phil’s Visit

I was honored to have the legend himself, Phil Faulisi, come by and visit the greenhouse. Phil is an accomplished breeder and does some spectacular work with the plants. His work has had a great influence on the way I think about doing crosses. Some of his phenomenal registered cultivars can be found here: http://www.carnivorousplants.org/cpn/Species/v38n1p12_22.html. More new cultivars from Phil will soon be published – so stay tuned! Anyway, it was great to spend the day just geekin’ out over plants and bouncing breeding ideas off one another. Phil – great having you and thanks again for everything bro!