Tag Archives: Paul Barden

A Visit to Paul Barden’s

Last weekend my carni-bro Kinjie Coe and I had the honor and pleasure of visiting one of the great Nepenthes growers, Paul Barden. Over the past few years, Paul has been one of the influences in my growing of Nepenthes. I’ve learned so much from Paul and I’m forever thankful for all of the knowledge and wisdom he’s imparted to me. Paul’s blog Nitrogenseekers and his Instragram feed are simply inspirational. Visiting Paul’s place in person though – OMFG, that is another story. I was overwhelmed by all that is happening there. His garden is well beyond mind melting. It is a psychedelic kaleidoscope of carnivorous goodness where one can easily get locked into that carnivorous plant high. And yeah, for sure that carnivorous plant high is one good place to be.

Only a few highlight photos from our day are below, so be sure to view the slide show to see all of the photos from our visit. Enjoy!

Paul and Lars – thank you both so very much for your hospitality and generosity. Y’all are just too awesome. I am extremely thankful that Kinjie and I were able to experience your beautiful botanical heaven. Thank you so very much.


[View slideshow in full screen]


Barden, Co and Coe.

Paul Barden - 9 Oct 2015  Paul Barden - 9 Oct 2015

Paul Barden - 9 Oct 2015
Paul Barden - 9 Oct 2015

Paul Barden - 9 Oct 2015

Paul Barden - 9 Oct 2015
Paul Barden - 9 Oct 2015

Paul Barden - 9 Oct 2015
Paul Barden - 9 Oct 2015

Paul Barden - 9 Oct 2015
Paul Barden - 9 Oct 2015

Paul Barden - 9 Oct 2015
Paul Barden - 9 Oct 2015

Paul Barden - 9 Oct 2015
Paul Barden - 9 Oct 2015

Paul Barden - 9 Oct 2015
Paul Barden - 9 Oct 2015

Paul Barden - 9 Oct 2015

Paul Barden - 9 Oct 2015

Paul Barden - 9 Oct 2015

Paul Barden - 9 Oct 2015

Paul Barden - 9 Oct 2015

Paul Barden - 9 Oct 2015

Paul Barden - 9 Oct 2015

Paul Barden - 9 Oct 2015

Paul Barden - 9 Oct 2015

Paul Barden - 9 Oct 2015

The Legend in situ.

Paul Barden - 9 Oct 2015

Paul Barden - 9 Oct 2015

Lars giving us a private concert of The Well Tempered API. Note the 3D printed mouthpeice. This was badass. I really loved it! Bravo, Lars!

Paul Barden - 9 Oct 2015

Thanks Paul!

Nepenthes Fusca Hybrid Cutting Update

Back in September, Paul sent me a vine of a Nepenthes fusca hybrid to try cuttings on. Later that month, the cuttings looked like this. Those little grow point things have been slowly but surely growing, and looking good so far! I managed to slice the vine up into 10 pieces and so far 8 still look ok. As referenced in the earlier post, here’s a great link on how to do Nepenthes cuttings. Thanks again Paul!

Nepenthes fusca hybrid cutting
Nepenthes fusca hybrid cutting

Nepenthes fusca hybrid cuttingNepenthes fusca hybrid cutting

New Nepenthes

Earlier last week I received some new Nepenthes from most excellent Nepenthes guru, Paul Barden! (THANKS PAUL! DUDE — YOU ROCK!) If you haven’t already seen his amazing blog, it would behoove you to do so: Nitrogenseekers.

I do have a few Nepenthes that I’ve kind of just let “hang out” in the garden – and they actually do ok. You see, I live by the coast and it’s very mild here – and quite hospitable for the highland varieties and other plants that like it cool. I haven’t really focused on growing Nepenthes really but now that I have the dome set up, I can explore this genus a little bit more. I am hopeful for these new additions, and will update the blog from time to time showing how things develop. This is just what I need, right? Another obsession in the carnivorous plant niche? (But don’t worry, Sarracenia for me still and will always hold that special place!)


The plants arrived at my door in great condition – packed perfectly! Wrapped in cellophane, Paul’s Nepenthes looked like a shipment of large chrysalises. They contained savage primordial beauties waiting to branch out and consume in their new habitat.

I brought the plants over to the greenhouse and got ready to pot them up. The mix I used was a rough 1:1 ratio of perlite and long fiber sphagnum moss. I thought I had some orchid bark left over, (which I’ve also used in this mix with other Nepenthes) but turns out I used it all up. DOH! Anyway, I hear that this mix should be fine. Paul also gave me the opportunity to practice Nepenthes cuttings on a cane of a N. fusca hybrid. I was directed to RTFM on Nepenthes cuttings here. I am trying one, two, and three node versions and hope a few of them strike and root for me.


Unwrapping these babies! As you can see, they came in EXCELLENT condition. I mean, that pitcher is still looking good after spending a couple days in the box! I carefully removed the cellophane and potted them up hoping and praying that they would enjoy their new home.

Here are the first Nepenthes under the dome! The shade cloth makes it look like a cave in this shot. (Eh, it was getting late here anyway…) Keep in mind that when the sun is overhead, the cloth does a great job of keeping it cool and diffusing the light in there. I know that the house looks kinda empty right now and that’s the sheer beauty of it. Almost like a blank canvas; and I am eager to watch it grow. If you’re wondering, I had extra cement mixing tubs that I used here as humidity trays. I figure a little added humidity wouldn’t hurt these plants as they get acclimated to their new conditions. I also imagine that the extra humidity would be beneficial to the cuttings that I’m practicing on. As I watered the plants, I let the water run down through the pots down into the tray.

I moved the rest of the Nepenthes in, along with a couple Heliamphora and Cephalotus. (I took this photo the morning of the following day, by the way. It looks a little brighter.) It will be a fun journey to see this space slowly get filled up! For now, this is a quick look into the humble beginnings of life under the dome.

Paul – again, thank you so much for your patience and kindness! I hope that your plants make themselves at home here and grow for me as well as they do for you! Thank you! 🙂