Tag Archives: Olloclip

Under the Olloclip: Sarracenia Seeds

Sarracenia PodSarracenia seeds, behind the shell

My wife Dahlia recently surprised me with a very cool present – an Olloclip! (Thanks so much, hon!) I used this new toy to snap this photo of Sarracenia seeds behind the pod. I had to carefully peel that shell off. Seeing the plant have a successful pollination and produce seed is so worth it. I’ve waited all season for this moment. The thoughts and ideas that I’ve entered into this year with are now tangible and made manifest. These seeds have only begun to answer the “Yo, so what would I get if I crossed these plants?” question that haunts me each season.

I’m pretty impressed with the quality of the Olloclip – you can see the texture on these seeds pretty clearly. Dude, I really don’t know why I didn’t get an Olloclip sooner. (In fact, the Drosera capensis that’s on the package actually originated from my garden. I gave the Drosera to a fellow plant geek and next thing you know, the Drosera capensis is famous!) Anyway, don’t get me wrong – I still love shooting with my DSLR. With my day to day stuff, I use the phone quite a bit. Now I’m able to capture macro, wide angle, and fish eye shots. I can tell I’m going to have some fun with this!