Tag Archives: Nadine

2012: Opening Day

The first two pitchers of 2012 have inflated and opened up! (Although, I’m still waiting for the 2012 opening day of the SF Giants… but anyway, that’s beside the point…) The below pitchers opened up sometime last week – I haven’t been to the greenhouse to be able be there as they cracked open, but these two were the first to do their thing.  It’s just a couple pitchers for now, but the deluge of pitchers (and SF Giant’s pitchers…) to soon follow! Bring it on!!!

Sarracenia (leucophylla x oreophila) Oudean Clone x purpurea ssp. venosa

Sarracenia ‘Nadine’

An Open Welcome Home

Howdy! I’m back.

Last week in Seattle was simply awesome!  I loved getting away and going to my home away from home.  I miss it up there…

And yeah, I’m working on putting the photos together for ya and it will be a future post… (hope to get it up sooner or later!)

Anyway, the plants seemed happy to see me back … here’s a few shots of the pitchers. When I left they were pretty much closed off but have opened during the week while I was out.  Oh, what a nice welcome back home…


Sarracenia Nadine
[Sarracenia “Nadine”]

Sarracenia "Halo of Fire"
[Sarracenia “Halo of Fire”]

Sarracenia AF purpurea hybrid
[Sarracenia purpurea hybrid, anthocyanin free]

Sarracenia umlauftiana
[Sarracenia umlauftaiana – open when I left, but the coloration got richer whilst I was away!]

Sarracenia 'Leah Wilkerson' x 'Adrian Slack'
[Sarracenia ‘Leah Wilkerson’ x ‘Adrian Slack’ – crackin’ a smile! Oh and even better, the coloration will get more intense as the season progresses…]