Tag Archives: Mike Wang

Collaboration Update: S. minor giant x “Green Monster”

Sarracenia minor var. okefenokeensis x "Green Monster" - 1 Sarracenia minor var. okefenokeensis x "Green Monster" - 2 Sarracenia minor var. okefenokeensis x "Green Monster" - 3
Sarracenia minor var. okefenokeensis x “Green Monster”

Left to right: Clones 1, 2, 3
Cross done in 2009.
These plants are a a result of the collaboration project with Jerry Addington and Mike Wang that I describe here and here.

Darlingtonia Baby Separation

Little seedlings don’t stay little for so long. The ravenous things grow and eventually outgrow their grow area. I received a few baby seedlings from Mike Wang in 2011 and I potted quite a few up in a tub. They’ve done really well over here and I’ve been busy separating them into their own pots! Aw yeeeaah! A few of the seedlings really took off as you can see below. There were a also few stragglers caught under the big dudes, and I’ve set them aside to give them more room to grow.

A few folks asked me about my potting mix with these guys. I just peat and a course grade of horticultural sand. The new mix though is peat/perlite and little bit of sand. The plants don’t seem too picky and do well with various combinations of peat/perlite/sand.

Awww… they look so… innocent right now. Aren’t they freakin’ cute?

Darlingtonia california babies
The baby Cobra nursery, plants ready for separation.

Darlingtonia california babies
Handful of baby Darlingtonia.

Darlingtonia california babies
Young Darlingtonia can look so interesting!

Darlingtonia california babies
Ready for expansion – potted up in their own individual pots!

Darlingtonia california babiesSome of the smaller seedlings were planted in the bin once again, spread apart to ensure they receive plenty of light and air!

Wang’s Crops + Work Day With Drew

Last weekend a few of the carni-heads got together to assit fellow grower and carni-phile Drew Martinez in constructing/covering his greenhouse. It was nice to get together with Mike, Mike, Josh, and Drew & Selina to take part in this greatness. I know first hand what it’s like to move and expand the grow area – always fun stuff and know that an extra set of hands can be useful. I headed over to Mike Wang’s place first to see how his crops were doing before we headed off to help Drew. Mike’s crops indeed were blingin’ as usual and a nice prelude to the full work day ahead of us.

Below are a couple slide shows and highlight photos from that day. The first show is of Mike’s blingin’ August crops. The second show is a photo documentary of Drew’s greenhouse being pieced together and partially covered. Drew and Selina – thanks again for having us over. 🙂 Can’t wait to see these new greenhouses packed!

Full screen show of Mike’s blingin’ August crops here.
Full screen show of the work day at Drew’s here.


1: Prelude – The Wang’s Crops

2: Drew, We Got You Covered. Almost.


Sarracenias of Wang 19 Aug 2012

Sarracenias of Wang 19 Aug 2012

Sarracenias of Wang 19 Aug 2012

Sarracenias of Wang 19 Aug 2012

Sarracenias of Wang 19 Aug 2012

Sarracenias of Wang 19 Aug 2012

Sarracenias of Wang 19 Aug 2012

Sarracenias of Wang 19 Aug 2012

Sarracenias of Wang 19 Aug 2012


Martinez Greenhouse Workday 19 Aug 2012

Martinez Greenhouse Workday 19 Aug 2012

Martinez Greenhouse Workday 19 Aug 2012

Martinez Greenhouse Workday 19 Aug 2012

Martinez Greenhouse Workday 19 Aug 2012

Martinez Greenhouse Workday 19 Aug 2012

Martinez Greenhouse Workday 19 Aug 2012

Martinez Greenhouse Workday 19 Aug 2012

Martinez Greenhouse Workday 19 Aug 2012

Martinez Greenhouse Workday 19 Aug 2012

Martinez Greenhouse Workday 19 Aug 2012

Kickin’ it with Wang and Martinez

Last weekend, I had the honor and privilege of kickin’ it with fellow carnivore-heads Mike Wang and Drew Martinez. Both are truly amazing individuals and growers par excellence. I’m very thankful to know Mike and am quite privileged to have met Drew on this monumental day. We met up at Mike’s and spent the day geeking out over plants there for a while. We then headed over to Drew’s place for more botanical nerdiness! I really can’t capture what I’ve seen and witnessed in words – so I’ll let the photos do the talking. Immerse yourself by checking out the full screen slideshow! Mike and Drew – thanks again for your kindness and hospitality! Much props and respect to both of you. Continue to motivate us all to be great growers like yourselves! WORD, HOMIES.

Click here for the full screen slideshow!

(Note, you may use your arrow keys to scroll through photos in the slideshow.)

Below are a few highlights from our delicious carnivorous soiree.
Bon appetit!


From The Garden of Wang…

Kickin' it with Wang and Martinez

Kickin' it with Wang and Martinez

Kickin' it with Wang and Martinez

Kickin' it with Wang and Martinez
Mike with the ultimate frisbee while Drew is paparazzi-ing.

Kickin' it with Wang and Martinez

Kickin' it with Wang and Martinez

Kickin' it with Wang and Martinez

Kickin' it with Wang and Martinez

Kickin' it with Wang and Martinez

Kickin' it with Wang and Martinez

Kickin' it with Wang and Martinez
Kickin' it with Wang and Martinez

Kickin' it with Wang and Martinez
Sarracenia homies in effect.


From The Garden of Martinez…

Kickin' it with Wang and Martinez

Kickin' it with Wang and Martinez

Kickin' it with Wang and Martinez

Kickin' it with Wang and Martinez

Kickin' it with Wang and Martinez

Kickin' it with Wang and Martinez

Kickin' it with Wang and Martinez

Kickin' it with Wang and Martinez

Kickin' it with Wang and Martinez

Kickin' it with Wang and Martinez

Kickin' it with Wang and Martinez

Kickin' it with Wang and Martinez

Kickin' it with Wang and Martinez

Kickin' it with Wang and Martinez

Kickin' it with Wang and Martinez

Kickin' it with Wang and Martinez

Kickin' it with Wang and Martinez

Kickin' it with Wang and Martinez

Kickin' it with Wang and Martinez

Kickin' it with Wang and Martinez

Kickin' it with Wang and Martinez

Kickin' it with Wang and Martinez

Kickin' it with Wang and Martinez

Kickin' it with Wang and Martinez

Kickin' it with Wang and Martinez

Kickin' it with Wang and Martinez

Kickin' it with Wang and Martinez

Kickin' it with Wang and Martinez

Kickin' it with Wang and Martinez

Kickin' it with Wang and Martinez

Kickin' it with Wang and Martinez

Kickin' it with Wang and Martinez

Kickin' it with Wang and Martinez

Kickin' it with Wang and Martinez

Kickin' it with Wang and Martinez

Kickin' it with Wang and Martinez

Kickin' it with Wang and Martinez

Kickin' it with Wang and Martinez

Hybrid Collaboration Update: S. minor giant x “Green Monster”

Back in the Spring of 2009 I was in my old greenhouse in Pacifica on a phone call with Jerry Addington. We were talking about hybrids, tossing ideas around and I was trying to absorb as much wisdom as I could from him. Anyway, at the time I had a blooming S. “Green Monster” (an anthocyanin free form of S. excellens) and Jerry and I were throwing around ideas about the plant and some potential crosses.  One of the ideas that Jerry brought up was that S. “Green Monster” could be used to create an AF minor giant looking plant. I thought that was a bloody awesome idea, and I had only half of the answer to that puzzle at that point time. Sadly I had no minor giant in bloom to breed S. “Green Monster” with. Soooo, I began asking fellow growers if they had any spare S. minor var. okefenokeensis out there. I’m so thankful that Mike Wang had a spare S. minor var. okefenokeensis plant with a bloom just cracking open — so he lent me the plant! SO awesome of him. I drove to his place pick it up, and then went home and did the cross right away.

There were only a few seeds that came from that cross, and a total of only 4 seedlings were strong enough to make it to this point. Only 4. Those 4 seedlings are photographed in the first photo below.

Here’s a quick summary through the years showing how this plant is evolving.

Sarracenia minor var. okefenokeensis x "Green Monster"
Sarracenia minor var. okefenokeensis x “Green Monster”
20 November 2010

Sarracenia minor var. okefenokeensis x "Green Monster"
Sarracenia minor var. okefenokeensis x “Green Monster”
26 August 2011

Now in 2012. Keep in mind that my lighting is sub par so the colors aren’t as great as they normally would be.

Sarracenia minor var. okefenokeensis x "Green Monster"
Sarracenia minor var. okefenokeensis x “Green Monster”
27 May 2012

This next photo is something monumental for me – the culmination of our  efforts and ideas! (Well, assuming that the cross took, of course…) I had no AF minor giant in bloom, so I selfed the flower. I did this in hopes to unlock that recessive anthocyanin free gene, as well as have the size influence from S. minor var. okefenokeensis end up in at least ONE of those seedlings. The other thing that’s pretty cool that you can’t really tell from the photo above is that the S. leucophylla influence gives it a slight undulation in the lid. Hawt.

Sarracenia minor var. okefenokeensis x "Green Monster"
Sarracenia minor var. okefenokeensis x “Green Monster”
Pod after self pollinating – I HOPE that the cross took…
27 May 2012

Now you may be thinking – DAAAYYMMMNNNN Rob, how the f*ck do you get  your plants to flower so fast?  Well to tell you the truth – I was fortunate to have longer than average growing seasons in my microclimate. At my old spot, it was not unusual to pollinate, harvest, stratify, then germinate seed all in the same year! Combined with long photo periods, I was able to get a slight jump on growth.  Long term though, I am not sure how that shortened dormancy affected the adult plants. Dormancy for these plants is important. I would notice that after a few years maybe a few of the plants were not as strong as in years past, but that could be due to several factors that were going on. Don’t get me wrong, they would still go dormant for about a little over a month to a month and a half in the greenhouses at the old spot. The plants outdoors would obviously get a longer dormancy time as it’s quite cooler and they didn’t wake up so fast. I can’t really See any major negative effects on the plants though, so the time I had them sleeping might of been “just enough.” I also wanted to mention that this year the plants received a longer than the past “usual” dormancy period due to lower light, so I guess that’s a good thing.

Keep in mind the other youngsters plants don’t have flowers yet. The plant photographed above with was simply the first of only four seedlings to get to this point. I look forward to cracking that pod open in a few months! So exciting to see something manifest from all of our cumulative efforts and ideas! Thank you Jerry and Mike!

More Cobra Cuteness

More Darlingtonia californica cuteness!  Seedlings were given to me last year from Mike Wang. I love seeing these things grow.

Darlingtonia californicaDarlingtonia california – tub of babies

Below, young developing pitchers looking quite interesting! You can really see that serpent’s tongue.

Darlingtonia californicaDarlingtonia california – interesting looking youngin’.

Sarrs of The Wang-ster

On Memorial Day, I stopped by my home-boyee Mike Wang’s place. It’s truly a Sarracenia sanctuary. Dude – I’m so honored to know Mike and I’m always blown away by his truly amazing library of plants and depth of knowledge in Sarracenia madness. I got a chance to chill with him, geek out over Sarracenia, and shoot a few photos of his plants. I’m posting a just few photos below the slideshow for your viewing pleasure – just a few highlights from this visit. Be sure to view the slideshow in it’s entirety to see all the photos! Click here for a full screen version! 

Mike, thanks again for everything, bro!

Sarrs of The Wang-ster – 28 May 2012


Sarracenias of Wang

Sarracenias of Wang

Sarracenias of Wang

Sarracenias of Wang

Sarracenias of Wang

Sarracenias of Wang

Sarracenias of Wang

Sarracenias of Wang

Sarracenias of Wang

Sarracenias of Wang

Sarracenias of Wang

Sarracenias of Wang

Sarracenias of Wang

Sarracenias of Wang

Sarracenias of Wang

Sarracenias of Wang

Sarracenias of Wang

Sarracenias of Wang

Sarracenias of Wang