Tag Archives: many plants

Stuffing Envelopes…

Yeah. Tonight I was stuffing envelopes… Literally. I get enough paper-pushing at my desk during the day and then I get home and this is what I was just doing for the past 2 hours…

filing1[Paperwork! AHH!]

But I didn’t mind too much tonight cuz I was taking this…


[Photo – Seed Pod – Sarracenia (rubra ssp. jonseii AF x minor var. okeefenokensis) x “Green Monster”]

Stuffing envelopes like this:

[Stuffing Envelopes!]

And getting something like this:

filesystem1[The Sarracenia Files]

And that’s not even all of my crosses on the year so far – still have a few to go through that aren’t quite ready.  Oh well.  This is the “paperwork” I’d rather be doing though! Love it!!

Repottin' time

Sarracenia moorei: 2 year old seedlings[Photo: Sarracenia leucophylla x flava seedlings. 2 years old]

It was nice to have a day off today. Got a few things done, hung out with the family and — repotted!  Here’s a photo of some moorei seedlings that are in dire need of repotting!   Today took 3 batches of different crosses and shifted them into larger pots and some of the select seedlings were set aside in individual pots. With growing plants from seeds, it can get crowded really quick 🙂  In any event, it’s all good.

Here’s a photo of one of the seedlings I set aside. It’s a S. ‘Hummers Okee Classic’ x purpurea ssp. venosa. Yes, looks very swaniana-ish. (S. swaniana is a minor/purpurea cross.) Given the parentage, it’s something that I would expect it to look like. However, I gotta give it a couple years to really see what this plant can do.  As I sort through more seedlings, I’ll update you on things I find from the seedling pit. 🙂

Sarracenia 'Hummers Okee Classic' x purpurea ssp. venosa[Photo: Sarracenia ‘Hummer’s Okee Classic x purpurea ssp. venosa – a cross I did back in 2008]