Tag Archives: leucopylla

A Few Leucos

Sarracenia leucophylla 'Hurricane Creek White' - Clone A
Sarracenia leucophylla ‘Hurricane Creek White’ – Clone A

Sarracenia leucophylla - TAHBWG Clone
Sarracenia leucophylla – TAHBWG clone, from extinct GA site.

Sarracenia leucophylla "Red"
Sarracenia leucophylla “Red” – clone received from Phil Faulisi. Fall pitcher recently opened and pitcher will get a darker shade of red as it matures. I really enjoy that dipping lip that it has.

Sarracenia leucophylla "Red"
Sarracenia leucophylla “Red” – clone received from Phil Faulisi. Fall pitchers recently opened and pitchers will get a darker shade of red as it matures. I really enjoy that dipping lip that it has.

Sarracenia leucophylla - Alabama
Sarracenia leucophylla – Alabama

Sarracenia leucophylla - Franklin Co., Clone A x B
A large new pitcher inflating of Sarracenia leucophylla – Franklin Co., FL Clone AxB – cross by Wes Buckner.


Sarracenia 'Reptilian Rose' x (flava v. rubricorpora x leucophylla)
Sarracenia ‘Reptilian Rose’ x (flava v. rubricorpora x leucophylla) – May 2012

Cross done by Dr. Travis H. Wyman. I started to germinate seed back in 2008 and have had a few interesting variations on the jagged lipped theme as imparted by the S. ‘Reptilian Rose’ parentage.  S. ‘Reptilian Rose’ most definitely is one of my favorite Sarracenia out there – created by the legend, Phil Faulisi.  I decided to shoot this in black and white because I really wanted to focus more on the structure of that jagged nectar roll. So far this year it’s been rather colorless anyway because of the lighting situation. Below, back in June 2011, this is what this plant looked like — a deep and intense red flavor. Even without the color, I’m truly in love with that jagged lip.

Sarracenia 'Reptilian Rose' x (flava v. rubricorpora x leucophylla) Sarracenia ‘Reptilian Rose’ x (flava v. rubricorpora x leucophylla) – June 2011