Tag Archives: leucophylla “Purple Lips” x flava var. rubricorpora

Phresh Phyllodia

Sup Y’all!

Past couple of days I’ve been hackin’ away at the pitchers. So far, looks good. Most of the plants have been sliced and diced down to their rhizomes.  Dead pitchers have been removed, but some still have some leaves on. Some Sarracenia will produce non carnivorous leaves called phyllodia. Plants like Sarracenia oreophila, flava, leucophylla and their hybrids will have these non carnivorous winter leaves. Phyllodia is used for that all important winter time photosynthesis.

Just a few photos of some phresh phyllodia…

[Sarracenia oreophila]

[Sarracenia leucophylla “Purple Lips” x flava var. rubricorpora]

[Sarracenia ‘Alucard’]