Tag Archives: Lechtman

Sarracenia rosea – Veinless Form

Back on 18 Aug 2013, Jay Lechtman came by to visit me at the greenhouse. He came bearing a plant that I’ve been looking to grow for quite some time: a veinless form of S. rosea! SO freakin’ awesome. (Jay: THANK YOU so much!) It’s been a couple months since I first received the plant from Jay and it appears to have acclimated just fine here. It has a few new pitchers and looks pretty happy!

On top of the whole anthocyanin free thing that I’m so into, I am also enamored by the veinless plants. At initial glance, they may look like AF plants, but upon a closer inspection it is clear that they are not. For me, veinless plants have this elegant porcelain-like look to them. The new growth comes up with a faint blush of color indicating the presence of anthocyanin. As the pitchers mature, the blush fades away. Don’t let the dainty soft coloration fool you, though. These plants are still lethal…with a pretty pastel color scheme.

Sarracenia rosesa - veinless formSarracenia rosea – veinless form, Bay Co., FL

Sarracenia rosesa - veinless form
Sarracenia rosea – veinless form, Bay Co., FL

Sarracenia rosesa - veinless form
Sarracenia rosea – veinless form, Bay Co., FL

Sarracenia rosesa - veinless formSarracenia rosea – veinless form, Bay Co., FL