Tag Archives: Ladies in Waiting

Rising From the Wreckage

It’s that time of year where many of the pitchers from earlier this season are turning into a wreck. Many of the Sarracenia flava and oreophila pitchers are getting crispy. It’s kind of that in between time for me right now. Some plants are fading, while the S. leucophyllas and their hybrids are starting to put out the fall pitchers. During this time of year, the seed pods start ripening and I start preparing for the next generation. Lots of interesting stuff in the works and I’ll share more on this later.  For now, enjoy a few frames of fresh foliage rising above the fading pitchers.

Sarracenia "Wilkersons White Knight" x purpurea ssp. venosa - Columbus Co., NC
Sarracenia “Wilkerson’s White Knight”
x purpurea ssp. venosa – Columbus Co., NC
Cross by Wes Buckner

Sarracenia catesbaei
Sarracenia catesbaei

Sarracenia 'Abandoned Hope'
Sarracenia ‘Abandoned Hope’

Sarracenia 'Judith Hindle' x 'Ladies in Waiting'
Sarracenia ‘Judith Hindle’ x ‘Ladies in Waiting’

Sarracenia leucophylla "Purple Lips" OP
Sarracenia leucophylla “Purple Lips” OP

Sarracenia leucophylla 'Purple Lips' x flava var. rubricorpora
Sarracenia leucophylla “Purple Lips” x flava var. rubricorpora

Cross by Phil Faulisi

Sarracenia 'Reptilian Rose' x leucophylla "Pale" - Clone 1Sarracenia ‘Reptilian Rose’ x leucophylla “Pale” – Clone 1
Cross by Dr. Travis H. Wyman
The pitcher falling to the right of the frame is
S. ‘Reptilian Rose’, just in case you’re wondering.

Sarracenia 'Reptilian Rose' x leucophylla "pale" - clone 3
Sarracenia ‘Reptilian Rose’ x leucophylla “Pale” – Clone 3
Cross by Dr. Travis H. Wyman
The angular nectar roll of the S. ‘Reptilian Rose’ was tamed by the leucophylla in this plant, however the resulting specimen is still rather quite lovely.

Sarracenia 'Reptilian Rose' x leucophylla "pale" - clone 3Sarracenia ‘Reptilian Rose’ x leucophylla “Pale” – Clone 3
Cross by Dr. Travis H. Wyman
Another look at this colorful pitcher.

Sarracenia oreophila x 'Adrian Slack'Sarracenia oreophila x ‘Adrian Slack’

Rising Blades

The form of new pitchers rising are blade-like in appearance. These swords and spears cut and pierce their way into spring; they slice past the wreck of last year’s foliage. Soon they will inflate and morph into the cylindrical savage beauty that I am so enamored by.

Sarracenia oreophilaSarracenia oreophila

Sarracenia 'Ladies in Waiting' x 'Leah Wilkerson'
Sarracenia (‘Ladies in Waiting’ x ‘Judith Hindle’) x ‘Leah Wilkerson’

Sarracenia 'Schnell's Ghost' x 'Adrian Slack'
Sarracenia ‘Schnell’s Ghost’ x ‘Adrian Slack’

Sarracenia 'Leah Wilkerson' x 'Adrian Slack'
Sarracenia ‘Leah Wilkerson’ x ‘Adrian Slack’

Off Season Bloomin'

It is not all that uncommon for Sarracenia to bloom during the fall.  It happens. Why exactly they do this now, I am not too sure.  Some speculate it’s the similar lighting/environmental conditions as spring. The buds are shorter now in the fall, and I also believe that the flowers are not fertile (?) but, I have yet to try and pollinate in the fall. Who knows. I typically just cut off the flower during this time to allow the plant to conserve it’s energy for dormancy.  At times I just let it do its thing. Whatever.

[Out of season flower bud. Photo taken October 31, 2010]


What I did find very awesome and very recently — one of my older 2 year old hybrids DID bloom recently.  This is significant because it’s the first flower of a hybrid that I created. Blooming within 2 growing seasons!  A bit weird that it did bloom for me now.  And not a short bloom, but rather, a tall spring like bloom. Woah dude. I did a cross of  Sarracenia ‘White Sparkler’ x (‘Ladies in Waiting’ x ‘Judith Hindle’) in 2008.  The latter pollen parent is a very rich colored plant, and I hope that the coloration carries over to the progeny.  The photo below is of a young pitcher later in the season. I’m getting a lot of color variation in this batch of seedlings. Some are deeper red, some like the below resemble the pod parent moreso.  I want to see what this seedling batch does next season in terms of color and vigor.


[A hybrid I crossed in spring of 2008: Sarracenia ‘White Sparkler’ x (‘Ladies in Waiting’ x ‘Judith Hindle’).  Photo taken November 6, 2010.]


[The flower.  Sarracenia ‘White Sparkler’ x (‘Ladies in Waiting’ x ‘Judith Hindle’). Photo taken November 6, 2010]