Tag Archives: knocked over pitchers

May Day

Mayday,  it’s a May day!!!

[Clouds be rollin’ in! View from my deck. 5-15-11. A strange May day…]

Here’s a photo from my deck that I took this weekend. Strange weather. Rain, sun, rain, rain, sun, mist, sun, rain. Bleh. Dude. I mean, it’s freekin’ *May* and we’re gettin’ this? It should pass soon — I hope! Cold, rain, some spots of hail now and then.  Really.  Where I live I get a lot of wind as well and it’s only amplified by this wind tunnel effect I got going on with the coast and mountain range opposite of me.  Sucks for the Sarracenia I outdoors as they get blown over. Some of the other stuff in the unheated greenhouses are fine and this is one of the reasons I keep them in there. Wind shelter.
[Dude. Irritating.]

The photo above isn’t *too* bad actually. I guess I am just more irritated than anything.  Dude, really … pitchers knocked over due to wind irk me.  That one in the white bin (S. flava var. cuprea) was doing pretty well and got pretty pushed over, as well as a few other seedlings in the black tubs. Other than that, the plants are pretty much fine and will grow back… once this weather gets a bit better. Geez.