Tag Archives: John Rizzi

Weekend Assortment

Hello! Here’s an assortment of pitcher goodness from around the greenhouse  to start your weekend off. Have a great weekend everyone!


Sarracenia leucophylla "Juju Lips" x flava "Widemouth"
Sarracenia leucophylla “Juju Lips” x flava “Widemouth”

Sarracenia "John Rizzi" x 'Judith Hindle'
Sarracenia “John Rizzi” x ‘Judith Hindle’

Nepenthes ventricosa x spectabilis
Nepethes ventricosa x spectabilis – about to open

Sarracenia purpurea "ruffles" x leucophylla pubescent
Sarracenia purpurea “ruffles” x leucophylla – pubescent
Cross by Jerry Addington 

Sarracenia 'Tapestry'
Sarracenia ‘Tapestry’

Nepenthes maxima Hybrid
Nepenthes hybrid

Sarracenia flava var. cuprea
Sarracenia flava var. cuprea

Sarracenia flava var. maxima
Sarracenia flava var. maxima

Nepenthes maxima hybridNepenthes hybrid

Sarracenia leucophylla "Purple Lips" x flava var. ornata
Sarracenia leucophylla “Purple Lips” x flava  var. ornata

Sarracenia "Red Viper"Sarracenia  “Red Viper”

Sarracenia oreophila x 'Royal Ruby'Sarracenia oreophila x ‘Royal Ruby’
Cross by Phil Faulisi

Sarracenia oreophilaSarracenia oreophila

Sarracenia 'Adrian Slack'Sarracenia ‘Adrian Slack’

Shooting Around

Just a few random shots from around the ‘house… enjoy!


S. oreophila x 'Adrian Slack'Sarracenia oreophila x ‘Adrian Slack’

Nepenthes JambanNepenthes jamban

Darlingtonia californiaDarlingtonia californica peeking out over the edge

Pinguicula "John Rizzi"Pinguicula “John Rizzi” in bloom

S. (oreophila x 'Royal Ruby') x 'Adrian Slack'S. (oreophila x ‘Royal Ruby’) x ‘Adrian Slack’ – young pitcher of a cross I did a couple of years ago. I believe that this is a pitcher that was sent up a bit later last season.

S. [(oreophila x minor) x (purpurea x rubra) x leucophylla] x "Green Frog"S. [(oreophila x minor) x (purpurea x rubra) x leucophylla] x “Green Frog”
This is a complex hybrid I did a few years ago. It’s the first time I’ve actually seen some characteristics from this baby.

S. psittacinaSarracenia psittacina
This is a large clone from Jerry Addington. It is still dormant and was recently repotted. It does not look like much now, but hoping it throws out some beast-mode behemoth foliage once it wakes from dormancy.

Sarracena rosea "Big Mama"Sarracenia rosea “Big Mama”
It’s currently dormant and recently repotted. Just like the S. psittacina above, I am hoping it throws out some beast-mode behemoth foliage once it wakes.

Sarracenia venosa, AF CloneSarracenia venosa, anthocyanin free clone

Gnat Control

Pinguicula ‘John Rizzi’ doing it’s thang.

Fungus gnats are effin’ irritating. Plain and simple. Earlier this year I started to germinate my 2011 Sarracenia crosses (read up about how I started that here), and all the seedlings are doing awesome! One thing though that irritated the bajeebiez out of me were these freaking fungus gnats. I don’t think they posed any harm to the plants. In fact, the baby Sarracenia were already munching on these irritating creatures. (You can read about that here.) To help with some of that gnat control, I placed a few Pinguicula in the tray alongside the seedlings. I aslo did this last January too when starting my 2010 seeds behind glass. Before you know it, pretty soon I didn’t notice any more of these little pests flying around. Dude, if I could give my Pinguiculas a fist bump, I would. Good job, Pings. Good job.